Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinamento per Autore)
Argomento: Democrazia

Pagina nr. 632 di 2959       

Media & democracy / (scritti di) Helen Darbishire ... (ed altri)
Strasbourg - Council of Europe Publishing, c1998
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Media & democracy / edited by Everette E. Dennis, Robert W. Snyder
New Brunswick and London - Transaction, (1998)
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Media & democrazia - i media cani da guardia pubblici / H. Darbishire ... ed altri ; prefazione di Giovanna Melandri
Roma - Sapere 2000, 1999
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Media 2.0, potere e libertaà - cyber democrazia, libertà vigilata, il business sulle nuvole
Roma - Il sole 24 ore, 2011
Incluso in > Aspenia - rivista di Aspen institute Italia
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Media and democracy
Strasbourg - Council of Europe, c1998
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Media and democracy in Africa / Goran Hyden, Michael Leslie, and Folu F.Ogundimu, editors
New Brunswick ; London - Transaction publishers, c2002
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Media and politics in Latin America - the struggle for democracy / edited by Elizabeth Fox
London etc. - Sage, 1988
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The media and politics in Spain - from dictatorship to democracy / Richard Gunther, José Ramon Montero, José Ignacio Wert
Barcelona - Institut de Ciències Polítiques i Socials, 1999
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Media reform - democratizing the media, democratizing the state / edited by Monroe E. Price, Beata Rozumilowicz and Stefaan G. Verhulst
London ; New York - Routledge, 2002
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Media, crisis and democracy - mass communication and the disruption of social order / edited by Marc Raboy and Bernard Dagenais
London (etc.) - Sage, 1992
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The media, journalism and democracy / edited by Margaret Scammell and Holli Semetko
Aldershot (etc.) - Ashgate, c2000
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Mediated politics - communication in the future of democracy / edited by W. Lance Bennet, Robert M. Entman
Cambridge, GB ; New York - Cambridge university press , stampa 2004
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Mediated politics - communication in the future of democracy / edited by W. Lance Bennett, Robert M. Entman
Cambridge etc. - Cambridge university press, 2001
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Mediated politics - communication in the future of democracy / edited by W. Lance Bennett, Robert M. Entman
Cambridge - Cambridge University Press, 2001
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Mediatization of politics - understanding the transformation of western democracies / edited by Frank Esser, Jesper Stromback
Basingstoke - Palgrave Macmillan, 2014
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