(ordinamento per Autore) Argomento: Democrazia |
Pagina nr. 2341 di 2959 |
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Economic planning and democracy / Firmin Oules ; translated from the French by R. H. Barry Harmondsworth - Penguin, 1966 Testo Monografico Oules, Firmin 1- La farce democratique dont le peuple est le dindon / Firmin Oules Bruxelles - Bruylant, 1971 Incluso in > La democratie economique a la lumiere des faits / Firmin Oules Testo Monografico Oundjiev, Ivan Vassil Levsky grand patriote bulgare révolutionnaire-démocrate Sofia - Agence Télégraphique Bulgare, 1953 Testo Monografico Ouédraogo, Jean-Baptiste Crise économique et démocratisation politique au Burkina Faso- quelles perspectives de développement? / Jean-Baptiste Ouedraogo Incluso in > Democratie, culture et developpement en Afrique noire / sous la direction de Claude Beauchamp Testo a stampa Overton, Spencer Stealing democracy - the new politics of voter suppression / Spencer Overton New York ; London - Norton, (2006) Testo Monografico Owen, Bernard Geopolitique de la democratie - constants et enjeux / Bernard Owen ; collaborations de Monique Cochinal et Halina Opolska Levallois-Perret - Studyrama, (2008) Testo Monografico Owen, David Democracy must work - a trilateral agenda for the decade - a task force report to the Trilateral Commission / David Owen..(et. al.) New York - Trilateral Commission - New York University Press, 1984 Testo Monografico Owens, John Robert Money and politics in California - democratic senatorial primary, 1964 Princeton, N. J. - Citizens' Research Foundation Testo Monografico Owona, Joseph Notre objectif- démocratiser les soins / Propos recueillis par Noël Ngouo Ngabissio Incluso in > Jeune Afrique - l'hebdomadaire du monde nouveau / edite par la Societe africaine de presse Testo a stampa Owona, Joseph La République populaire démocratique de Corée / Joseph Owona Paris - Berger-Levrault, c1987 Testo Monografico Owusu, Maxwell Democracy and Africa- a view from the village / by Maxwell Owusu Incluso in > The Journal of modern African studies Testo a stampa Owusu, Maxwell Tradition and transformation- democracy and the politics of popular power in Ghana / by Maxwell Owusu Incluso in > The Journal of modern African studies Testo a stampa Oxhorn, Philip Organizing civil society - the popular sectors and the struggle for democracy in Chile / Philip Oxhorn University Park - Pennsylvania State University Press, c1995 Testo Monografico Oyatambwe, Wamu Eglise catholique et pouvoir politique au Congo-Zaïre - la quête démocratique / Wamu Oyatambwe Paris - L'Harmattan, 1997 Testo Monografico Oyon Murphy, Eva Networked Revolution - a socio-theoretical assessment of how social networking sites can be used to achieve human rights advocacy goals / Eva Oyon Murphy. Incluso in > European masters degree in human rights and democratisation - awarded theses of the academic year ..../... Testo a stampa |