(ordinamento per Autore) Argomento: Democrazia |
Pagina nr. 2903 di 2959 |
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Ten years of democratic South Africa - transition accomplished? / by Aurelia Wa Kabwe-Segatti, Nicolas Pejout and Philippe Guillaume Monografia elettronica Wable, Corinne La télévision nationale burkinabé- de la révolution à la démocratie populaire / Corinne Wable Incluso in > Journal des africanistes / Societe des africanistes Testo a stampa Wach, Eckart Die Sozialdemokratie / Eckart Wach München - J. F. Lehmanns, 1918 Testo Monografico Wachman, Alan M. Taiwan - national identity and democratization / Alan M. Wachman Armonk ; London - M. E. Sharpe, c1994 Testo Monografico Waddell, Brian The war against the New deal - World War 2. and American democracy / Brian Waddell DeKalb - Northern Illinois University Press, 2001 Testo Monografico Waddington, P. A. J. Controlling protest in contemporary, historical and comparative perspective - the policing of mass demonstration in contemporary democracies / P.A.J. Waddington Badia Fiesolana, San Domenico (FI) - European University Institute, 1997 Testo Monografico Wade, Abdoulaye Ensemble, nous avons jeté les fondements de la démocratie pluraliste / Abdoulaye Wade Incluso in > Jeune Afrique - l'hebdomadaire du monde nouveau / edite par la Societe africaine de presse Testo a stampa Wagner, Heather Lehr History of the Democratic Party / Heather Lehr Wagner New York - Chelsea House, c2007 Testo Monografico Wagner, Richard E. Deficits, debt, and democray - wrestling with tragedy on the fiscal commons / Richard E. Wagner Cheltenham (UK) ; Northampton (MA) - Elgar, 2012 Testo Monografico Wagner, Ruth H. Put democracy to work / Ruth H. Wagner, Ivan E, Green New York - Schuman, 1952 Testo Monografico Wagnleitner, Reinhold The Marilyn Monroe doctrine, or, The promise of the democracy of plenty - the shopping temple of the west and the cold war / by Reinhold Wagnleitner Incluso in > Oltre la guerra fredda- gli Stati Uniti e la rinascita dell'Europa postbellica - convegno internazionale / European University Institute (Florence), Istituto Gramsci Emilia-Romagna, Dipartimento disc... Testo Monografico Wahl, Jürgen From Mazowiecki to Tusk - the solidarity of Europe's Christian democrats with the people of Poland / Jurgen Wahl Gliwice - Wydawnictwo "Wokol nas", 2012 Testo Monografico Wainwright, Hilary Sulla strada della partecipazione - dal Brasile alla Gran Bretagna, viaggio nelle esperienze di nuova democrazia / Hilary Wainwright ; presentazione di Alberto Magnaghi Roma - Ediesse, (2005) Testo Monografico Waisbord, Silvio Watchdog journalism in South America - news, accountability and democracy / Silvio Waisbord New York - Columbia university press, ©2000 Testo Monografico Waiss, Oscar Cuatro ensayos sobre la democracia y el socialismo / por Oscar Waiss (Grenoble) - Núcleo Gernoble del Partido socialista del Chile (seccional Francia en el exilio), pref. 1985 Testo Monografico |