Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinamento per Autore)
Argomento: Disegno

Pagina nr. 3921 di 5382       

Metropolitan Museum of Art
15th-18th century French drawings in the Metropolitan Museum of Art / by Jacob Bean with the assistance of Lawrence Turcic
New York - Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1986
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Metropolitan Museum of Art
Century Italian drawings in the Metropolitan museum of art / Jacob Bean
New York - The Metropolitan museum of art, 1979
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Metropolitan Museum of Art
17th Century Italian drawings in the Metropolitan Museum of Art / Jacob Bean
New York - Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1979
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Metropolitan Museum of Art
18th century Italian drawings in the Metropolitan Museum of Art / edited by Jacob Bean and William Griswold
New York - The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1990
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Metropolitan Museum of Art
Architectural and ornament drawings - Juvarra, Vanvitelli, the Bibiena family, & other Italian draughtsmen / catalogue by Mary L. Myers
New York - Metropolitan museum of art, 1975
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Metropolitan Museum of Art
Dürer and beyond- Central European drawings in the Metropolitan museum of art, 1400-1700 / Stijn Alsteens and Freyda Spira ; with contributions by Maryan W. Ainsworth ... (ed altri)
New York - Metropolitan museum of art ; New Haven (Conn.) ; London - Distributed by Yale University Press, 2012
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Metropolitan Museum of Art
I grandi disegni italiani della Collezione Lehman al Metropolitan museum di New York / testi e commenti di George Szabo
Milano - Silvana, 19..
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Metropolitan Museum of Art
I grandi disegni italiani della Collezione Lehman al Metropolitan Museum di New York / testi e commenti di George Szabo
Milano - RAS, 1982
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Mettenleiter, Johann Evangelist
Schriften-magazin fur Freude der Kalligraphie - fur kunstler, Gewerbetreibende und zum Unterricht / Joh. Ev. Mettenleiter u Ad. M. Hildebrandt
Erfurt - Bartholomaus, (188.
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Metz, Conrad Martin (1749-1827 ; disegnatore)
Imitations of ancient drawings engraved and published by C. M. Metz
London, 1789
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Metz, Corrado Martino
Principj del disegno, ricavati dagli antichi monumenti, dalle opere di Raffaello, Michelangelo ed altri. Combinati ed incisi da C.M.M
Roma, 1812
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Metz, Delfina
Il salvaserata - il mio libro delle barzellette / Delfina Metz ; disegni di Lucio Trojano
Milano - SugarCo, 1987
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Metz, Delfina
Il salvaserata - il mio libro delle barzellette / Delfina Metz ; disegni di Lucio Trojano
Trezzano sul Naviglio - Euroclub, 1988
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Metz, Vittorio
Roma in cocci / Vittorio Metz ; con disegni di Attalo
Roma - Palatino, (1968)
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Metzeltin, Silvia
Polvere nelle scarpe - storie di Patagonia / Silvia Metzeltin ; prefazione di Mario Rigoni Stern ; disegni di Gino Buscaini
Milano - Corbaccio, 2002
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