Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
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Argomento: Dizionari

Pagina nr. 3366 di 3488       

Tunander, Britt
Illustrerat antik lexikon / Britt Tunander
Luogo di pubblicazione non indicato - Natur och kultur, 1996 ( S. l. - Milanostampa )
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Turato, G. F.
Dizionario etimologico veneto-italiano
Battaglia Terme (Padova) - La Galiverna, 1985
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Turato, G. F.
Vocabolario etimologico veneto-italiano / G. F. Turato, D. Durante
Battaglia Terme - La Galiverna, 1978
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Turchi, Paolo
Italiano - islandese - dizionario tascabile / a cura di Paolo Maria Turchi ; con l'aiuto di Sigridur Einarsdottir = Itolsk - islenk - vasaordabok
Luogo di pubblicazione non indicato e. - Ordabokautgafan, 2003
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Turchi, Paolo
Íslensk-ítölsk orðabók / Paolo Maria Turchi
Reykjavík - Iðunn, 1994
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Turco, Gianluca
Dizionario greco-italiano / a cura di G. Turco e B. Pascale
Milano - Ludovicianum, 1995
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Turinetto, Marco
Dizionario del design - il progetto, il prodotto, le parole / Marco Turinetto
Milano - Lupetti & Co., c1993
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Turner, Colin
A thematic dictionary of modern Persian / Colin Turner
London - New York - Routledge Curzon, c2004
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Turner, Colin
A thematic dictionary of modern Persian / Colin Turner
London - New York - Routledge Curzon, c2010
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Turner, Francis Mills
The condensed chemical dictionary - a reference volume for all requiring ... / formerly directed by Francis M. Turner 1889-1952
New York - Reinhold Publishing Corporation ; London - Chapman & Hall, Ltd., 1956
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Turner, Ralph Lilley
A comparative and etymological dictionary of the Nepali language / by Ralph Lilley Turner ; with indexes of all words quoted from other Indo-Aryan languages compiled by Dorothy Rivers Turner
London - Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1965
Testo Monografico

Turner, Ralph Lilley
A comparative and etymological dictionary of the Nepali language / by Ralph Lilley Turner ; with indexes of all words quoted from other Indo-Aryan languages, compiled by Dorothy Rivers Turner
London - K. Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co., 1931
Testo Monografico

Turner, Ralph Lilley
A comparative dictionary of the Indo-Aryan languages / R. L. Turner
London (etc. - Oxford university press, 1966
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Turner, Ralph Lilley
A comparative dictionary of the Indo-Aryan languages / R. L. Turner
London - New York ; Toronto - Oxford university press, 1973
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Turner, Ralph Lilley
A comparative dictionary of the Indo-aryan languages / R. L. Turner
London - Oxford University press, 1989
Testo Monografico