Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinamento per Titolo (senza autore))
Argomento: Economia

Pagina nr. 1062 di 5950       

L' autogestione jugoslava / scritti di A. Antonini ... (ed altri) ; a cura di Stefano Bianchini ; prefazione di Adriano Guerra
Milano - Franco Angeli, c1982
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L' autogestione nell'industria - analisi di alcune esperienze delle imprese cooperative in Italia / Pernigotti ... (ed altri) ; introduzione di Fabio Carpanelli
Bari - De Donato, (1978)
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L' autogestione operaia in Jugoslavia, 1950-1970 / (hanno collaborato Jovan Andrijaševic ... ed altri
Beograd - Medunarodna Politika, 1970
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Autogestire la comunità locale - il percorso dell'identità - gli stati generali, l'intesa, l'organizzazione dello sviluppo locale
Milano - F. Angeli, °2003
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Le autolinee in concessione per il trasporto di persone - situazione giuridica ed economica del settore nel quadro dell'ordinamento regionale
Roma - Associazione nazionale autoservizi in concessione, 1972 (Roma - Tip. Vitali)
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Automated preparation of input to computers / United Nations statistical commission and Economic commission for Europe ; Conference of European statisticians
New York - United Nations, 1965
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Automatic editing of individual statistical observations / United Nations statistical commission and Economic commission for Europe ; Conference of European statisticians
New York - United Nations, 1963
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Automatic files in statistical systems / United Nations statistical commission and Economic commission for Europe ; Conference of European statisticians
New York - United Nations, 1967
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Automation and economic progress / edited by Howard R. Bowen and Garth L. Mangum
Englewood Cliffs (N.J.) - Prentice-Hall, c1966
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Automation and technological change - hearings before the Subcommittee on economic stabilization of the Joint Committee on the Economic Report, Congress of the United States, 84. Congress, 1. session pursuant to Sec.58(a) of public law 304, 79th Congress - October 14, 15, 17, 18, 24, 25, 26, 27, and 28, 1955 / Joint Committee of Economic Report
Washington - United States Government Printing Office, 1955
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Automatique, informatique et developpement des industries agro-alimentaires - choix techniques et enjeux economiques - conferences et discussions du colloque tenu a Paris les 17 et 18 Mai 1983
Paris - APRIA, (1983 )
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L' automatisation avancee de la production dans les activites d'usinage - degre de diffusion, caracteristiques techniques et socio-economiques des systemes automatises flexibles d'usinage / rapport realise par Michel Hollard, Gilles Margirier, Andre Rosanvallon ; avec la participation de Keith Dixon, Pierre Etienne, Pierre Ladet
Grenoble - Universite des sciences sociales, Institut de recherche economique et de planification du developpement, 1986?
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1- Automatismes et structures - faits, théorie et politiques
Paris ; La Haye - Mouton, c1975
Incluso in > Economie internationale / Jean Weiller, Jean Coussy
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Automazione ed organizzazione nelle banche popolari- esperienze a confronto - atti del Convegno - Sorrento, 29-30 ottobre 1981
Roma - Centro di formazione per il personale delle banche popolari italiane, ?1982?
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Automobile accident costs and payments - studies in the economics of injury reparation / by Alfred F. Conard ... ed altri
Ann Arbor - University of Michigan press, c1964
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