Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinamento per Titolo (senza autore))
Argomento: Economia

Pagina nr. 1394 di 5950       

Cities in China - recipes for economic development in the reform era / edited by Jae Ho Chung
London ; New York - Routledge, 1999
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Cities in crisis - the urban challenge in the Americas / edited by Matthew Edel and Ronald G. Hellman
New York - Bildner center for Western Hemisphere studies, c1989
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The cities of Asia - a study of urban solutions and urban finance - papers presented at the International Seminar on Urban Land Use Policy, Taxation, and Economic Development / edited by John Wong
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Cities of the 21st Century - new technologies and spatial systems / edited by John Brotchie, Michael Batty, Peter Hall & Peter Newton
Melbourne - Longam Cheshire ; New York - Hasted Press, 1991
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Cities of the United States - a compilation of current information on economic , cultural , geographic and social conditions / Deborah A. Straub, Diane L. Dupuis editors ; (poi) Mary Reilly McCall, Linda Schmittroth
Detroit - Gale research
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Cities, economic competition and urban policy / edited by Nick Oatley
London - Paul Chapman, c1998
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Citizen Engagement and Global Economic Power
Washington, DC - Just Associates, 2006
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Citizen partecipation and pro-poor budgeting / United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Division for Public Administration and Development Management
New York - United Nations, 2005
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Citizen participation and pro-poor budgeting
New York - UN, 2005
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Citizens as partners - OECD handbook on information, consultation and public participation in policy-making / (a cura dell') OECD
/ Paris - Organisation for economic co-operation and development, c2001
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Citizenship and identity in Europe / edited by Leslie Holmes and Philomena Murray
Aldershot etc. - Ashgate, ©1999
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Citizenship, democracy and justice in the new Europe / edited by Percy B. Lehning and Albert Weale
London ; New York - Routledge, 1997
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A citizens' Europe - in search of a new order / edited by Allan Rosas and Esko Antola
London etc. - SAGE, 1995
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Citoyens 60 - cahiers d'éducation politique, économique et sociale
Paris - La Vie Nouvelle
Pubblicazione Periodica

Citoyens et pouvoirs en Europe - les associations dans l'espace democratique europeen / sous la direction de Vincent de Coorebyter ; preface de Claude Julien
Paris - Syros, c1993
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