Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinamento per Titolo (senza autore))
Argomento: Economia

Pagina nr. 4147 di 5950       

Peace, defence and economic analysis - proceedings of a conference held in Stockholm jointly by the International Economic Association and the Stockholm International Research Institute i.e. Stockholm International Peace Research Institut / edited by Christian Schmidt and Frank Blackaby
Basingstoke etc. - Macmillan, 1987
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Peace, politics and violence in the New South Africa / edited by Norman Etherington
London etc. - H. Zell, 1992
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The peaceful management of transboundary resources / editors Gerald H. Blake ... ed altri
London etc. - Graham & Trotman - Nijhoff, 1995
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Peaches / (Revision)
Paris - OECD, 1979
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Peages routiers et role du secteur prive dans le developpement des infrstructures routieres / rapport realise par un groupe d'experts scientifiques de l'OCDE
Paris - Organisation de cooperation et de developpement economiques, 1987
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The peasant in economic thought - a perfect republic / edited by Evelyn L. Forget and Richard A. Lobdell
Aldershot (etc. - E. Elgar, ©1995
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The peasant in nineteenth-century Russia / edited by Wayne S. Vucinich ; contributors- John S. Curtiss ... (ed altri
Stanford - Stanford University Press, 1968
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Peasant livelihood - studies in economic anthropology and cultural ecology / Rhoda Halperin, James Dow, editors
New York - St. Martin's Press, c1977
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The peasantry of Eastern Europe / edited by Ivan Volgyes
New York etc. - Pergamon Press
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The peasants and the communists - the lesson of eastern Europe. June, 1955
Luogo di pubblicazione non indicato - s.n., 1955
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Peasants in history - essays in honour of Daniel Thorner / edited by E. J. Hobsbawm ... (ed altri)
Calcutta (etc.) - Sameeksha Trust by Oxford university press, 1980
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PEB compendium of exemplary educational facilities
Paris - OECD, c2006
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PEB exchange - the journal of the OECD programme on educational building / OECD
Paris - OECD
Pubblicazione Periodica

Peches / (a cura dell'OCDE)
Paris - OCDE, 1979
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PECO e allargamento dell'UE - agricoltura, commercio e politiche / Osservatorio sulle politiche agricole dell'UE
Roma - INEA, 1998
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