Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinamento per Titolo (senza autore))
Argomento: Economia

Pagina nr. 4155 di 5950       

La pensée alternative en économie - actes du colloque de la Fondation Gabriel Péri, décembre 2006-juin 2010 / (préface d'Alain Obadia)
(Pantin - Fondation Gabriel Péri, 2011)
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La pensée de Jacques Bainville en matière économique et sociale - thèse pour le Doctorat / par Henri Vidal
Paris - Etablissements Busson, 1944
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La pensée de quelques dirigeants de l'économie soviétique
Paris - La documentation française, 1961
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La pensée économique pendant la Révolution française - actes du colloque international de Vizille (6-8 septembre 1989) / contributions publiées sous la direction de Gilbert Faccarello et Philippe Steiner
Grenoble - Presses Universitaires de Grenoble, 1990
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The pentagon and the cities / edited by Andrew Kirby
Newbury Park etc. - Sage, 1992
Incluso in > Urban affairs annual reviews
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Pentecostalism and prosperity - the socio-economics of the global charismatic movement / edited by Katherine Attanasi and Amos Yong
New York - Palgrave Macmillan, 2012
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Un pentito alla Regione - regali - media news / a cura di Marco F. Camillo
Incluso in > La voce della Campania - quindicinale regionale di politica, economia, cultura e attualita
Testo a stampa

People and money - mensile di economia, finanza e cultura
Milano - Rusconi
Pubblicazione Periodica

People and planet - the right livelihood award speeches / editor Tom Woodhouse
Hartland - Green Books, 1987
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People and technology - investing in training for Europe's future - full texts of the main speeches by Kenneth Baker ... (ed altri
Maastricht - Presses interuniversitaire européennes, (1986?
Incluso in > Eurotecnet / Commission des communautes europeennes
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People first economics / edited by David Ransom and Vanessa Baird
Oxford - New Internationalist Publications, 2010
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People in industry - a report on the liberal co-ownership proposals / with an introduction by Elliott Dodds
Edinburgh - Liberal publication department - Schottish liberal party, 1949?
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People toiling under pharaoh - report of the action-research process on economic justice in Asia / Kim Yong Bock, Pharis J. Harvey, editors
(Tokyo) - CCA-URM, 1976
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People's republic of China - an economic assessment - a compendium of papers submitted to the Joint Economic Committee, Congress of the United States, May 18, 1972 / (scritti di Arthur G. Ashbrook Jr. ... ed altri)
Washington - U.S. Government Printing Office, 1972
Testo Monografico

People, politics and community in the later Middle Ages / edited by Joel Rosenthal and Colin Richmond ; contributi di I. Arthurson ... ed altri
Gloucester -Alan Sutton ; New York - St. Martin Press, 1987
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