(ordinamento per Titolo (senza autore)) Argomento: Economia |
Pagina nr. 4445 di 5950 |
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Paris - OCDE, 1995 Testo Monografico 1- La production et ses problemes / par P. Salles ; preface de R. Saint-Paul Paris - Dunod, 1966 Incluso in > Initiation economique et sociale - textes choisis / par P. Salles Testo Monografico 1- La production et ses problémes / par P. Salles ; préface de R. Saint-Paul Paris - Dunod, 1968 Incluso in > Initiation economique et sociale / par P. Salles Testo Monografico Production industrielle = Industrial production / OCDE Paris, 1965-1978 Pubblicazione Periodica La production mondiale et les prix / Societe des Nations Geneve - s.n. Pubblicazione Periodica La production mondiale et les prix - 1925-1933 / Societe des Nations, Service d'etudes economiques Geneve - Societe des Nations, 1934 Testo Monografico Production Networks - market rules and social norms / edited by Carlo Poni and Roberto Scazzieri ; papers by Mauro Ambrosoli ... (ed altri (Luogo di pubblicazione non indicato - s.n. , 1994 (Bologna - Baiesi) Testo Monografico Production of fruit and vegetables in OECD member countries - present situation and 1970 prospects Paris - Organisation for economic co-operation and development Testo Monografico Pt. 2.- La production secondaire - l'industrie siderurgique , 1953 Incluso in > Economie du Grand-duche de Luxembourg / Carlo Hemmer Testo Monografico Production, consommation et échanges de fruits et legumes dans les pays membres de l'OCDE - situation actuelle et perspectives 1970 / Organisation de coopération et de développememt économiques Paris - OCDE, 1968-1969 Testo Monografico 1- La production, la consommation et la plus grande partie de la repartition Paris - Pedone ; Grenoble - Freres, 1909 Incluso in > Cours d'economie politique - a l'usage des etudiants des facultes et ecoles de droit / par G. Blanchard Testo Monografico Session B-14- Production, marketing and consumption of alcoholic beverages sin ce the late Middle Ages / Erik Aerts, Louis M. Cullen and Richard G. Wilson, eds Leuven - Leuven University press, 1990 Incluso in > Proceedings tenth international economic history Congress - Leuven, August 1990 / Erik Aerts general editor Testo Monografico Production, marketing and use of finger-jointed sawnwood - proceedings of an international seminar organized by the Timber Committee of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe, held at Hamar, Norway, at the invitation of the government of Norway, 15 to 19 September 1980 / edited by C.F.L. Prins The Hague (etc.) - M. Nijhoff/Dr W. Junk Publishers, 1982 Testo Monografico The production, marketing, and consumption of copper and aluminium / Martin S. Brown, John Butler ; prepared by The Economist Intelligence Unit New York - Praeger, 1968 Testo Monografico Les productions principales des territoires d'outre-mer - ?les ?oleagineux Paris - O.E.C.E., 1957 Testo Monografico |