Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinamento per Titolo (senza autore))
Argomento: Economia

Pagina nr. 4881 di 5950       

Revenue statistics 2010 - 1965-2009 Special Feature Environmentally Related Taxation / Organisation for economic co-operation and development
Paris - OECD, c2010
Testo Monografico

Revenue statistics 2011 - 1965-2010 Special Feature- changes to the guidelines for attributing revenues to levels of government / Organisation for economic co-operation and development
Paris - OECD, c2011
Testo Monografico

Revenue statistics - 1965-2011 Special Feature- revenue statistics in Latin America- tax revenue trends 1990-2009, classification of tradable emissions permits /Organisation for economic co-operation and development
Paris - OECD, c2012
Testo Monografico

Revenue statistics - special features, the treatment of non-wastable tax credits, church tax, the impact of gdp revisions on reported tax levels... / Organisation de cooperation et de developpement economiques
Paris - OCDE, 2000
Pubblicazione Periodica

Revenue statistics - special features, the treatment of non-wastable taxcredits, church tax, the impact of gdp revisions on reported tax levels 1965-1999 / Organisation de cooperation et de developpement economiques
Paris - OCDE, c2000
Testo Monografico

Revenue statistics in Latin America - 1990-2009 / Organisation for economic co-operation and development
Paris - OECD, c2011
Testo Monografico

Revenue statistics in Latin America - 1990-2010 / Organisation for economic co-operation and development
Paris - OECD, c2012
Testo Monografico

Revenue statistics of OECD member countries / Organisation for economic co-operation and development
Paris - OECD Publications
Pubblicazione Periodica

Les revenues d'activite non-salariee jusqu'en ... / INSEE
Paris - INSEE
Pubblicazione Periodica

Revenus et patrimoine des menages / INSEE
Paris - INSEE
Pubblicazione Periodica

Les revenus non salariaux et la politique des prix - documentation pour un seminaire syndical - supplement au rapport
Paris - Organisation de coopération et de développement èconomiques, Direction de lamain d'oeuvre et des affaires sociales, Division des affaires sociales, 1966
Testo Monografico

Les revenus non-salariaux et la politique des prix - politique et expériences des syndicats - rapport de base pour un séminaire syndical
Paris - Organisation de coopération et de développement èconomiques, Direction de la main d'oeuvre et des affaires sociales, Division des affaires sociales, 1966
Testo Monografico

Les revenus sociaux ... / INSEE
Paris - INSEE
Pubblicazione Periodica

Reversing industrial decline - industrial structure and policy in Britain and her competitors / edited by Paul Hirst and Jonathan Zeitlin
Oxford etc. - Berg, 1989
Testo Monografico

Review - a journal of the Fernand Braudel center for the study of economies, historical systems and civilizations, State University of New York
Binghampton (NY) - Fernand Braudel Center, 1977-
Pubblicazione Periodica