Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinamento per Autore)
Argomento: Economia (A-I)

Pagina nr. 2314 di 5907       

Chlepner, B. S.
La banque en Belgique - etude historique et economique / par B. S. Chlepner
Bruxelles - Lamertin
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Chlepner, B. S.
1- Le marche financier belge avant 1850 / B. S. Chlepner
Bruxelles - Lamertin, 1926
Incluso in > La banque en Belgique - etude historique et economique / par B. S. Chlepner
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Cho, Jung Wook
Innovation and competition in the digital network economy - a legal and economic assessment on multi-tying practice and network effects / Jung Wook Cho
Alphen aan den Rijn - Kluwer Law International, c2007
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Choate, Pat
Agents of influence / Pat Choate
New York - Knopf, 1990
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Choate, Pat
Agents of influence - how Japanese lobbyists are manipulating Western political and economic systems / Pat Choate
London - Business Books, 1991
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Chodorow, Stanley
Custom, Roman Canon Law, economic interests in late twelth-century England / Stanley Chodorow.
Incluso in > Grundlagen des Rechts - Festschrift fur Peter Landau zum 65. Geburtstag / herausgegeben von Richard H. Helmholz ... (et al.)
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Chodorowski, Jerzy
Definicje w systemach ekonomicznych
Wroclaw - Zaklad Narodowy im Ossolinskich, 1974
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Choi, Byung-Rok
High-technology development in regional economic growth - policy implications of dynamic externalities / Byung-Rok Choi
Aldershot - Ashgate, c2003
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Choi, E. Kwan
Economic growth and international trade / E. Kwan Choi and Bjarne S. Jensen
Oxford ; Malden (Mass.) - Blackwell, 1999
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Choi, Frederick D. S.
International accounting / Frederick D. S. Choi, Gerhard G. Mueller
Englewood Cliffs, N.J. - Prentice-Hall, c1992
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Choi, Frederick D. S.
An introduction to multinational accounting / Frederick D. S. Choi, Gerhard G. Mueller
Englewood Cliffs - Prentice-Hall, 1978
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Choi, Hak
The analysis of the German-Taivanese trade and the European Economic Community (EEC)-Taivanese trade - Theory and economic analysis - Inaugural-Dissertation ... / vorgelegt von Hak Choi
Bonn - (s. n.), 1983
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Choi, Jay Pil
The economics of politically connected firms / Jay Pil Choi, Marcel Thum
Munich - CESifo, 2007
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Choi, Kwang
Theories of comparative economic growth / Kwang Choi
Ames - Iowa state university press, 1983
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Choi, Soon-Yong
The Economics of Electronic Commerce / Soon-Yong Choi, Dale O. Stahl, Andrew B. Whinston
Indianapolis, IN - Macmillan Technical Publishing, c1997
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