Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
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Argomento: Economia (A-I)

Pagina nr. 2322 di 5907       

Christiansen, Charlotte
A comprehensive look at financial volatility prediction by economic variables / by Charlotte Christiansen, Maik Schmeling and Andreas Schrimpf
Basel - Bank for International Settlements, Monetary and economic department, 2012
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Christiansen, Merete
Denmark / Merete Christiansen and Jens O. Elling
London ; New York - Routledge, 1993
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Christiansen, Vidar
Externality-correcting taxes and regulation / Vidar Christiansen, Stephen Smith
Munich - CESifo, 2009
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Christiernin, Georg
Finland's water-power and electrification / Georg Christiernin
Helsinfors - Governement printing office, 1924
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Christie's (Londra, South Kensington)
Fine printed books including a collection of books on economics - Wednesday, 21 March 2007 / Christie's
London - Christie's, ©2007
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Christie's (Londra, South Kensington)
Printed books including travel and topography, astronony early literature , science and economics and art reference, also including topographical prints and maps - Friday, November 24, 1989 / Christie's South Kensington
London - Christie's, c1989
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Christie's (Londra)
Early printed books - books on the history of science, economics, literature and theology - Wednesday, 1 April, 1981 / Christie's
London - Christie, Manson & Woods, (1981 )
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Christie's (Londra)
The library of the late Kenneth K. Knight, esq. on the history of science and economics - Wednesday, October 31, 1979 / Christie's
London - Christie, Manson & Woods, ©1979
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Christin, Ivan
Theorie des structures et des systemes economiques / Ivan Christin
Paris - Dalloz, 1973
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Christl, Josef
The unemployment/vacancy curve - theoretical foundation and empirical relevance / Josef Christl
Heidelberg etc. - Physica, c1992
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Christoffersen, Peter F.
Elements of financial risk management / Peter F. Christoffersen
Amsterdam (etc.) - Academic Press, 2003
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Christoffersen, Peter F.
The informational content of over-the-counter currency options / by Peter Christoffersen and Stefano Mazzotta
Frankfurt a.M. - European Central Bank, 2004
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Christofides, A.
Aspects economiques et financiers des mass media / A. Christofides, Lord Ardwick
Strasbourg - Conseil de l'Europe, Section des publications, 1982
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Christophe, Louis A.
Remarques sur l'economie de la Basse-Nubie egyptienne / Louis-A. Christophe
Luogo di pubblicazione non indicato - s.n., 1963
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Christopher, A. J. (Anthony John)
Colonial Africa / A. J. Christopher
London - Croom Helm ; Totowa - Barnes & Noble, 1984
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