Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinamento per Autore)
Argomento: Economia (A-I)

Pagina nr. 2942 di 5907       

Cooke, Philip
Knowledge economies - clusters, learning and cooperative advantage / Philip Cooke
London ; New York - Routledge, 2002
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Cooke, Roderic C.
Fungi, man and his environment / R. C. Cooke
London ; New York - Longman, 1977
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Coombes, David
Representative government and economic power / David Coombes
London - Heinemann Educational Books, 1982
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Coombs, Herbert Cole
The return of scarcity - strategies for an economic future / H. C. Coombs
Cambridge - Cambridge university press ; published in association with Centre for resource and environmental studies, Australian national university, 1990
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Coombs, Rod
Economics and technological change / Rod Coombs, Paolo Saviotti and Vivien Walsh
Houndmills ; London - Macmillan, 1987
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Coombs, Rod
Economics and technological change / Rod Coombs, Paolo Saviotti, and Vivien Walsh
Basingstoke ; London - Macmillan, 1987
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Cooney, Kathlyn M.
The cost of death - the social and economic value of ancient egyptian funerary art in the ramesside period / Kathlyn M. Cooney
Leiden - Nederlands Instituut voor het Nabije Oosten, 2007
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Coonfederazione generale dell'industria italiana
L' associazione della Grecia alla Comunità economica europea / Confederazine generale dell'industria italiana ; (a cura di Gabriele Patriarca)
Roma - Tip. delle Terme, 1963
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Coons, Alvin E.
The income of nations and persons - an introduction to economics / Alvin E. Coons
Chicago - Rand Macnally & company, ©1959
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Coontz, Sydney H.
Lavoro produttivo e domanda effettiva - con una critica dell'economia keynesiana / Sydney H. Coontz
Milano - Angeli, c1973
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Coontz, Sydney H.
Population theories and the economic interpretation / by Sydney H. Coontz
London - Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1957
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Coontz, Sydney H.
Population theories and the economic interpretation / by Sydney H. Coontz
London - Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1961
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Coontz, Sydney H.
Population theories and the economic interpretation / by Sydney H. Coontz
London - Routledge, 1998
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Coontz, Sydney H.
Productive labour and effective demand - including a critique of Keynesian economics / by Sydney H. Coontz ; with an introduction by William J. Blake
London - Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1965
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Coontz, Sydney H.
Productive labour and effective demand - including a critique of Keynesian economics / by Sydney H. Coontz ; with an introduction by William J. Blake
New York - Augustus M. Kelley, 1966
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