Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinamento per Autore)
Argomento: Economia (A-I)

Pagina nr. 3112 di 5907       

Crotti, Renato
Il teorema della padrona di casa e della colf e in attesa di un pullman - due libri tra storia, economia e politica / Renato Crotti
Rastignano (BO) - Temi, 1996
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Crotty, R.
Cattle, economics and development / R. Crotty
Farnham Royal - CAB, c1980
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Crouch, Colin
Class conflict and the industrial relations crisis - compromise and corporatism in the policies of the British state / Colin Crouch
Luogo di pubblicazione non indicato - Humanities press ; London - Heinemann educational books, 1977
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Crouch, Colin
Industrial relations and European state traditions / Colin Crouch
Oxford - Clarendon Press, 1993
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Crouch, Colin
Il potere dei giganti - perché la crisi non ha sconfitto il neoliberismo / Colin Crouch ; traduzione di Marco Cupellaro
Roma ; Bari - GLF editori Laterza, 2012
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Crouch, Colin
Relazioni industriali nella storia politica europea / Colin Crouch
Roma - Ediesse, 1996
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Crouch, Colin
Social change in Western Europe / Colin Crouch
Oxford - Oxford university press, 1999
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Crouch, Harold
Domestic political structures and regional economic cooperation / Harold Crouch
Pasir Panjang, Singapore - Institute of Southeast asian studies, ASEAN economic research unit, 1984
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Crouchley, Arthur Edwin
The economic development of modern Egypt
London - Longmans Green, 1938
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Crouchley, Robert
An aggregate time series analysis of non-agricultural self-employment in the UK / R. Crouchley, P. Abell and D. Smeaton
London - London school of economics, Centre for economic performance, 1994
Incluso in > Discussion paper / Centre for economic performance
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Crouhy, Michel
The essentials of risk management / Michel Crouhy, Dan Galai, Robert Mark
New York (etc.) - McGraw-Hill, ©2006
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Crouhy, Michel
Risk management / Michel Crouhy, Dan Galai, Robert Mark
New York (etc.) - McGraw-Hill, c2001
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Croux, Christophe
A measure of comovement for economic variables- theory and empirics / Christophe Croux, Mario Forni and Lucrezia Reichlin
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Crouy-Chanel, Imre - de
La Cour des comptes europeenne / Imre de Crouy-Chanel, Christophe Perron ; introduction par Jean-Francois Bernicot
Paris - Presses universitaires de France, 1998
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Crouzel, Jacques Adrien
Etude historique, economique et juridique sur les coalitions et les greves dans l'industrie / par A. Crouzel
Paris - A. Rousseau, 1887
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