Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinamento per Autore)
Argomento: Economia (A-I)

Pagina nr. 4212 di 5907       

Findlay, Ronald
Power and plenty - trade, war, and the world economy in the second millennium / Ronald Findlay, Kevin H. O'Rourke
Princeton ; Oxford - Princeton University Press, c2007
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Findlay, Ronald
Trade, development and political economy - selected essays of Ronald Findlay / Ronald Findlay
Aldershot etc. - Elgar, c1993
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Findlen, P. J.
700- An economic study of the marketing of western New York potatoes / P. J. Findlen
Ithaca - Cornell university, 1938
Incluso in > Bulletin of the Agricultural experiment station / Cornell University, Department of agriculture
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Fine, Ben
Il Capitale di Marx / Ben Fine
Napoli - Liguori, 1979
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Fine, Ben
Il capitale di Marx / Ben Fine ; traduzione di Adriano Nardi
Napoli - Liguori, 1976
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Fine, Ben
Consumption for historians - an economist's gaze / by Ben Fine
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Fine, Ben
Economic theory and ideology / Ben Fine
London - Edward Arnold, 1980
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Fine, Ben
From economics imperialism to freakonomics - the shifting boundaries between economics and other social sciences / Ben Fine and Dimitris Milonakis
London , New York - Routledge, 2009
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Fine, Ben
New and improved - economic's contribution to business history / by Ben Fin
London - University of London, School of Oriental and African studies, 2000
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Fine, Ben
Social capital versus social theory - political economy and social science at the turn of the millennium / Ben Fine
London ; New York - Routledge, 2001
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Fine, Frank L.
Mergers and joint ventures in Europe - the law and policy of the EEC / Frank L. Fine
London etc. - Graham & Trotman - Nijhoff, 1994
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Fine, Sherwood
Public spending and postwar economic policy / Sherwood M. Fine
New York - Columbia University Press, 1944
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Fine, Sidney
Laissez faire and the general-welfare state - a study of conflict in American thought, 1865-1901 / Sidney Fine
Ann Arbor - The University of Michigan Press, 1967
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Finegold, Kenneth
State and party in America's New Deal / Kenneth Finegold and Theda Skocpol
Madison - University of Wisconsin Press, c1995
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Fineo, Helga E.
I servizi regionali nel mercato di aerolinea domestico - tesi di laurea in Economia dei trasporti / laureanda Helga E. Fineo ; realtore Giacomo Borruso
Trieste - Universita degli Studi, 1996/97
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