Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinamento per Autore)
Argomento: Economia (A-I)

Pagina nr. 4242 di 5907       

Fischer, Allan G. B.
Progres economique et securite sociale / Allan G. B. Fischer
Paris - Ed. politiques, economiques et sociales, 1945
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Fischer, Andrew Martin
State growth and social exclusion in Tibet - challenges of recent economic growth / Andrew Martin Fischer
Copenhagen - NIAS, 2005
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Fischer, Beat - de
L' ordre souverain de Malte / par Beat de Fischer . The legal status of the arctic regions / by Donat Pharand . The different types of armed conflicts according to the Geneva conventions and protocols / by Dietrich Schindler . International economic "soft law" / by Ignaz Seidl-Hohenveldern . Some legal aspects of industrial co-operation in east-west relations / by Jerzy Jakubowski . Public law in the international arena - conflict of laws, international law, and some suggestions for their interaction / by Andreas F. Lowenfeld
Alphen aan den Rijn - Sijthoff & Noordhoff, 1980
Incluso in > Recueil des cours / Academie de droit international
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Fischer, Bernhard
Argentina - the economic crisis in the 1980s / Bernhard Fischer, Ulrich Hiemenz, Peter Trapp
Tubingen - Mohr (Paul Siebeck), 1985
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Fischer, Bernhard
Liberalising capital flows in developing countries - pitfalls, prerequisites and perspectives / by Bernhard Fischer and Helmut Reisen
Paris - Development centre of the organisation for economic co-operation and development, 1993
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Fischer, Christian
L' Electrification au point de vue économique et social des pays en voie de développement / par Christian Fischer
Ambilly-Annemasse - Impr. franco-suisse, 1969
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Fischer, Conan
The rise of the Nazis / Conan Fischer
Manchester ; New York - Manchester University press ; New York - St. Martin's press distributore , 1995
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Fischer, Conan
Stormtroopers - a social, economic and ideological analysis, 1929-35 / Conan Fischer
London (etc. - Allen & Unwin, 1983
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Fischer, David Hackett
The great wave - price revolutions and the rythm of history / David Hackett Fischer
New York ; Oxford - Oxford University Press, 1996
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Fischer, Donald E.
Security analysis and portfolio management / Donald E. Fischer, Ronald J. Jordan
Englewood Cliffs etc. - Prentice Hall, c1995
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Fischer, Edmund
Das sozialistische Werden - die Tendenzen der wirtschaftlichen und sozialen Entwicklung / von Edmund Fischer
Leipzig - Veit & Comp., 1918
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Fischer, Eugene
Plantes medicinales / Eugene Fischer
Berne - Librairie Payot Lausanne, °s. d.
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Fischer, Irving
Breve compendio di calcolo differenziale e integrale allo scopo di agevolare la lettura dell'economia matematica e della statistica / Irving Fisher ; con una introduzione di Enrico Leone
Pescara - Casa ed. abruzzese, 1909
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Fischer, Irving
Der Einkommensbegriff im Lichte der Erfahrung / Irving Fisher
Wien - Verlag von Julius Springer, 1928
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Fischer, Manfred M.
Innovationsaktivitaten in der osterreichischen Industrie - eine empirische Untersuchung des betrieblichen Innovationsverhaltens in ausgewahlten Branchen und Raumtypen / von Manfred M. Fischer und Gottfried Menschik
Wien - Institut fur Geographie der Universitat Wien, 1994
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