Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinamento per Autore)
Argomento: Economia (A-I)

Pagina nr. 4934 di 5907       

Goldstein, Louis
Un ente al servizio delle popolazioni emarginate - ricerca autovalutativa in due comprensori meridionali / Louis Goldstein
Roma - Ente italiano di servizio sociale, 1970
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Goldstein, Morris
Banking crises in emerging economies - origins and policy options / by Morris Goldstein and Philip Turner
Basle - Bank for international settlements, Monetary and economic department, 1996
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Goldstein, Morris
Controlling currency mismatches in emerging economies / Morris Goldstein and Philip Turner
Washington, DC - Institute for international economics, 2004
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Goldstein, Morris
Effects of slowdown in industrial countries on growth in non-oil developing countries / Morris Goldstein and Mohsin S. Khan
Washington - International monetary fund, 1982
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Goldstein, Morris
The global effects of fund-supported adjustment programs / by Morris Goldstein
Washington - International Monetary Fund, 1986
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Goldstein, Paul
International copyright - principles, law and practice / Paul Goldstein
Oxford - Oxford University press, 2001
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Goldstein, Tara
Two languages at work - bilingual life on the production floor / by Tara Goldstein
Berlin ; New York - Mouton de Gruyter, 1997
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Goldston, Robert
The great depression - the United States in the Thirties / by Robert Goldston
Greenwich - Fawcett publications, stampa 1970
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Goldthorpe, John Ernest
The sociology of post-colonial societies - economic disparity, cultural diversity and development / J. E. Goldthorpe
Cambridge - Cambridge university press, 1996
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Goldthorpe, John Ernest
The sociology of postcolonial societies - economic disparity, cultural diversity, and development / J. E. Goldthorpe
Cambridge - Cambridge university press, 1996
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Goldthorpe, John H.
Lo studio della stratificazione sociale in Gran Bretagna (1946-1976) / John H. Goldthorpe, Philippa Bevan . Australia - ineguaglianza senza classi / Leonard Broom, F. Lancaster Jones
Torino - Fondazione G. Agnelli, 1977
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Goldthwaite, Richard A.
Banks, palaces and entrepreneurs in Reinassance Florence / Richard A. Goldthwaite
Aldershot - Variorum, 1995
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Goldthwaite, Richard A.
Banks, palaces and entrepreneurs in Renaissance Florence / Richard A. Goldthwaite
Aldershot ; Brookfield - Variorum, 1995
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Goldthwaite, Richard A.
The building of renaissance Florence - an economic and social history / Richard A. Goldthwaite
Baltimore ; London - The Johns Hopkins University press, c1980
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Goldthwaite, Richard A.
The building of Renaissance Florence - an economic and social history / Richard A. Goldthwaite
Baltimore ; London - The Johns Hopkins University press, c1980, stampa 1990
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