Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinamento per Autore)
Argomento: Economia (A-I)

Pagina nr. 4971 di 5907       

Gottlieb, Manuel
A theory of economic systems / Manuel Gottlieb
Orlando - Academic Press, 1984
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Gottmann, Jean
Etudes sur l'etat d'Israel et le Moyen-Orient / Jean Gottmann
Paris - A. Colin, 1959
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Gottschalck, Alfred O.
Dynamics of economic well-being - spells of unemployment, 1996-1999 / by Alfred O. Gottschalck
Washington - U.S. Census Bureau, 2003
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Gottschalk, Louis Reichenthal (1899-1975)
The era of the French Revolution (1715-1815) / by Louis R. Gottschalk ; under the editorship of James T. Shotwell
, Boston etc. - Houghton Mifflin Company,©1929
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Gottschalk, Louis Reichenthal (1899-1975)
1- Introduction; the political, economic and social background-major religious events-social and political thought / by Louis Gottschalk, Loren C. MacKinney and Earl H. Pritchard
London - Allen & Unwin, 1969
Incluso in > 4- The foundations of the modern world.
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Gotz, Hans Herbert
Nuove prospettive della politica agraria europea / Hans Herbert Gotz
Baden-Baden (Bonn) - August Lutzeyer, dopo il 1958
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Gotz, Hans Herbert
Weil alle besser leben wollen... - portrat der deutschen wirtschaftspolitik / Hans Herbert Gotz
Dusseldorf ; Wien - Econ, 1963
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Gotzen, Marcel
La propriete industrielle et les articles 36. et 90. du traite instituant la Communaute Economique Europeenne (C.E.E.) / par Marcel Gotzen
Paris - Sirey, 1958
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Gouaich, Hossine
Modeles de developpement et politique economique - etude comparee de cas algerien et bresilien / Hossine Gouaich
Lille - Universite de Lille, 1991
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Goubert, Jean Pierre
The conquest of water - the advent of health in the industrial age / Jean-Pierre Goubert ; introduction by Emmanuel Le Roy Ladurie ; translated by Andrew Wilson
Cambridge - Polity, 1989
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Goubert, Pierre
Beauvais et le Beauvaisis de 1600 à 1730 - contribution à l'histoire sociale de la France du 17. siècle / Pierre Goubert
Luogo di pubblicazione non indicato - S.E.V.P.E.N., 1960
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Goubert, Pierre
Clio parmi les hommes - recueil d'articles / Pierre Goubert
La Haye - Paris - Mouton, c 1976
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Goubet, Michel
Population et societe francaises, 1945-1981 / Michel Goubet, Jean-Louis Roucolle
Paris - Sirey, 1981
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Goudakos, Stergios
L' evoluzione del turismo in Grecia, con particolare riguardo alle regioni del nord - tesi di laurea in geografia economica / laureando- Stergios Goudakos ; relatore- Pio Nodari
Trieste - Universita degli studi, 1994-1995
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Goudappel, Flora A. N. J.
The effects of EU citizenship - economic, social and political rights in a time of constitutional change / Flora Goudappel
The Hague - Asser, 2010
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