Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinamento per Autore)
Argomento: Economia (A-I)

Pagina nr. 5192 di 5907       

Haenel, H.G.
Eine Kapitalrentensteuer im Rahmen der Neuordnung der Reichsfinanzen / von H.G. Haenel
Jena - Gustav Fischer, 1919
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Haenni, Beat
Trade finance in transition economies- practical ways to support exports and imports - summary of proceedings - workshop held at the Palais des Nations, Geneva 27 and 28 november 1997 / prepared by Beat Haenni
Geneva - United Nations, 1999
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Haensel, Paul
The economic policy of soviet Russia / by Paul Haensel
London - P. S. King, 1930
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Haensel, Paul
La politica finanziaria americana per la ripresa economica / Paul Haensel
Padova - CEDAM, 1937
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Haessle, Johannes
L' etica cristiana del lavoro / Johannes Haessle ; traduzione di Agostino Miggiano
Milano - Edizioni di Comunita, 1949
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Haessle, Johannes
Le travail / Johannes Haessle ; traduit de l'allemand par Étienne Borne & Pierre Linn
Paris - Desclée, 1933
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Haeussler, Ernest F. - jr.
Introductory mathematical analysis - for business, economics and the life and social sciences / Ernest F. Haeussler Jr
Boston - Prentice Hall, 2011
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Haeussler, Ernest F. - jr.
Introductory mathematical analysis - for business, economics and the life and social sciences / Ernest F. Haussler, Jr., Richard S. Paul ; with contributions by LaurelTech
Upper Saddle River - Prentice Hall, 2002
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Haeussler, Ernest F. - jr.
Introductory mathematical analysis - for business, economics, and the life and social sciences / Ernest F. Haeussler jr., Richard S. Paul
Englewood Cliffs - Prentice Hall International, 2008
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Haeussler, Ernest F. - jr.
Introductory mathematical analysis - for business, economics, and the life and social sciences / Ernest F. Haeussler, Jr., Richard S. Paul ; with contributions by Laurel technical services
Upper Sadle River - Prentice Hall, c1999
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Haeussler, Ernest F. - jr.
Introductory mathematical analysis - for business, economics, and the life and social sciences / Ernest F. Haeussler, Richard S. Paul
New Jersey - Prentice Hall, c1996
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Haeussler, Ernest F. - jr.
Introductory mathematical analysis - for business, economics, and the life and social sciences / Ernest F. Haeussler, Richard S. Paul
New Jersey - Prentice Hall, c1993
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Haeussler, Ernest F. - jr.
Introductory Mathematical Analysis- for Business, Economics and the Life and Social Sciences / Ernest F. Haeussler, Richard S. Paul
Englewood Cliffs - Prentice-Hall, 1987
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Haferkorn, Henry E.
The war with Mexico, 1846-1848 - a select bibliography on the causes, conduct, and the political aspect of the war, together with a select list of books and other printed material on the resources, economic conditions, politics and government of the Republic of Mexico and the characteristics of the Mexican people. With annotations and an index / bu Henry E. Haferkorn
New York - Burt Franklin, 1970
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Hafkamp, Wilhelmus Antonius
Economic-environmental modeling in a national-regional system - an operational approach with multi-layer projection / Wilhelmus A. Hafkamp
Amsterdam - North-Holland, 1984
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