Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinamento per Autore)
Argomento: Economia (A-I)

Pagina nr. 5338 di 5907       

Hildebrand, Doris
Economic analyses of vertical agreements - a self-assessment / by Doris Hildebrand
The Hague - Kluwer law international, 2005
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Hildebrand, Doris
The role of economic analysis in the EC competition rules / by Doris Hildebrand
The Hague - Kluwer law international, ©1998
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Hildebrand, Doris
The role of economic analysis in the EC competition rules / Doris Hildebrand
The Hague etc. - Kluwer, c2002
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Hildebrand, Doris
The role of economic analysis in the EC competition rules / Doris Hildebrand
Alphen aan den Rijn (etc.) - Kluwer, c2009
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Hildebrand, George
Business cycle indicators and measures - a complete guide to interpreting the key economic indicators / George Hildebrand
Chicago, Ill. ; Cambridge - Probus publishing, c1992
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Hildebrand, George Herbert
Growth and structure in the economy of modern Italy / George H. Hildebrand
Cambridge, Mass. - Harvard university press, 1965
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Hildebrand, George Herbert
Postwar Italy - a study in economic contrasts / by George H. Hildebrand
Los Angeles - University of California, (1957?
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Hildebrandt, Gotthold
La Cirenaica e il suo avvenire - specialmente dal punto di vista economico / Gotthold Hildebrandt ; con prefazione del prof. Theobald Fischer e con una carta economica della Cirenaica ; traduzione di A. Tomei
Roma - Frank & C., 1912
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Hildebrandt, Gotthold
Cyrenaïka als Gebiet künftiger Besiedelung - eine Landeskunde mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der wirtschaftlichen Verhältnisse / von Gotthold Hildebrand ; mit einer Vorrede von Theobald Fischer, einem ausführlichen Literaturverzeichnis und 4 Karten
Bonn - C. Georgi, 1904
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Hildenbrand, Werner
Core and equilibria of a large economy / Werner Hildenbrand
Princeton ; London - Princeton university press, c1974
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Hildenbrand, Werner
Equilibrium analysis - variations on themes by Edgeworth and Walras / W. Hildebrand, A. P. Kirman
Amsterdam etc. - North-Holland, 1988
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Hildenbrand, Werner
Market demand - theory and empirical evidence / Werner Hildenbrand
Princeton, N.J. - Princeton university press, ©1994
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Hildreth, Clifford
The Cowles commission in Chicago, 1939-1955 / Clifford Hildreth
Berlin etc. - Springer, c1986
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Hildreth, Clifford
A statistical study of livestock production and marketing / by Clifford Hildreth and F.G. Jarrett ; in co-operation with the Bureau of Agricultural economics, USDA..
New York - John Wiley and Sons, 1955
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Hiley, W. E.
The economics of forestry / by W. E. Hiley
Oxford - at the Clarendon press, 1930
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