Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinamento per Autore)
Argomento: Economia (A-I)

Pagina nr. 5408 di 5907       

Hubbard, Leonard Egerton
The economics of Soviet agriculture / by Leonard E. Hubbard
London - Macmillan and Co., 1939
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Hubbard, Michael
Agricultural exports and economic growth - a study of the Botswana beef industry / Michael Hubbard
London (etc.) - KPI, 1986
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Hubbard, Michael
The economics of transporting oil to and within Europe / by Michael Hubbard
London - Maclaren & Sons, 1967
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Hubbard, R. Glenn
Essentials of economics / R. Glenn Hubbard, Anthony Patrick O'Brien
Boston (etc.) - Pearson, 2013
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Hubbard, R. Glenn
Money, the financial system, and the economy / R. Glenn Hubbard
Reading, Massachusetts - Addison-Wesley, c1997
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Huber, Ernst Rudolf
Administracion autonoma de la economia
Madrid - Escuela nacional de administracion publica, 1967
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Huber, George Paul
The international monetary system required by the economic and social changes in the world / George Paul Huber
Freiburg - Coresi, 1985
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Huber, Gerard
Les consequences a long terme de la politique macroeconomique - these presentee a la faculte des sciences economique et sociales de l'Universite de Geneve / par Gerard Huber
Berne etc. - Peter Lang, 1982
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Huber, Michel
3- Statistiques economiques generales. 1, Le flux des produits (Production, distribution, consommation) / par Michel Huber
Paris - Hermann, 1944
Incluso in > Cours de statistique appliquee aux affaires / par Michel Huber
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Huber, Peter-Michael
Konkurrenzschutz im Verwaltungsrecht - Schutzanspruch und Rechtsschutz bei Lenkungs- und Verteilungsentscheidungen der offentlichen Verwaltung / von Peter-Michael Huber
Tubingen - Mohr, c1991
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Huber, Rodolfo
Locarno nella prima metà dell'Ottocento - elementi di storia sociale ed economica / Rodolfo Huber ; pref. di Diego Scacchi ; premessa di Romano Broggini
Locarno - A. Dado', 1997
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Huber, Stepan Jan
Accords bilateraux et transactions triangulaires - these presentee a la faculte de droit et des sciences economiques ... / par Stepan Jan Hube
Fribourg (Suisse) - Imprimerie St. Paul, 1965
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Huber, Vincenzo
Nuovo metodo di fare il vino per condensazione economica, ossia Saggio di enologia pratica / di Vinc. Huber
Palermo - Tip. Abbate, 1834
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Huberman, Leo
America, incorporated - recent economic history of the United States / by Leo Huberman
New York - Viking Press, 1940
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Huberman, Leo
Mans worldly goods - the story of the wealth of nations / by Leo Huberman
New York - Monthly Review, c1936
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