Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinamento per Autore)
Argomento: Economia (A-I)

Pagina nr. 5454 di 5907       

IFIP WG8.3 working conference on decision support systems (1996 ; London)
Implementing systems for supporting management decision - concepts, methods and experiences / edited by Patrick Humphreys ... (ed altri)
London (etc.) - Chapman & Hall, 1996
Testo Monografico

Ifo-Institut fur Wirtschaftsforschung
14- The "cost of non-Europe" in the textile-clothing industry / by IFO-Institut fur Wirtschaftsforschung - Prometeia Calcolo Srl
Luxembourg - Office for official publications of the European communities, 1988
Incluso in > Research on the "Cost of non-Europe" - basic findings / Commission of the European communities
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Ifo-Institut fur Wirtschaftsforschung
1 - Branchen- und betriebswirtschaftliche Untersuchungen / durchgeführt von Ifo - Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung, München
Berlin - Duncker & Humblot
Incluso in > Arbeitszeit und Produktivitat - Untersuchungsergebnisse wissenschaftlicher Forschungsinstitute
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Ifo-Institut fur Wirtschaftsforschung
A comparative analysis of Japanese and German economic success / Ifo Institute for economic research, Sakura institute of research
Tokyo etc. - Springer, c1997
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Ifo-Institut fur Wirtschaftsforschung
3- Country reports - Italy, France / IFO Institut fur Wirtschaftsforschung ; (prepared by) Chang W Nam
Luxembourg - Office for Official Publ. of the European Communities, 1990
Incluso in > An empirical assessment of factors shaping regional competitiveness in problem regions / IFO Institut fur Wirtschaftsforschung Department of Business Surveys Investment Analyses and Entrepreneurial...
Testo Monografico

Ifo-Institut fur Wirtschaftsforschung
Currency management costs / (prepared for the) European Commission by IFO Institute
Luxembourg - Office for official publications of the European Communities ; London - Kogan Page Earthscan, 1998
Testo Monografico

Ifo-Institut fur Wirtschaftsforschung
An empirical assessment of factors shaping regional competitiveness in problem regions / IFO Institut fur Wirtschaftsforschung Department of Business Surveys Investment Analyses and Entrepreneurial Behaviour
Luxembourg - Office for official publications of the European Communities
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Ifo-Institut fur Wirtschaftsforschung
External trade in high-tech products / Wolf Rudiger Streck
Luxembourg - Office for official publications of the European Communities, 1996
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Ifo-Institut fur Wirtschaftsforschung
Main report / IFO Institut fur Wirtschaftsforschung Department of Business Surveys Investment Analyses and Entrepreneurial Behaviour ; prepared by Ch. W. Nam, G. Nerb, H. Russ
Luxembourg - Office for official publications of the European Communities, c1990
Incluso in > An empirical assessment of factors shaping regional competitiveness in problem regions / IFO Institut fur Wirtschaftsforschung Department of Business Surveys Investment Analyses and Entrepreneurial...
Testo Monografico

Ifo-Institut fur Wirtschaftsforschung
Patentwesen und technischer Fortschritt - kritische Wuerdigung der Zusammenhaenge in ausgewaehlten Branchen der Budesrepublik Deuteschland anhand empirischer Untersuchungen / Ifo-Institut fuer Wirtschaftsforschung
Goettingen - O. Schwartz
Testo Monografico

Ifo-Institut fur Wirtschaftsforschung
1- Die Wirkung des Patentwesens im Innovationsprozess / Klaus Grefermann ... ed altri
Goettingen - O. Schwartz, c1974
Incluso in > Patentwesen und technischer Fortschritt - kritische Wuerdigung der Zusammenhaenge in ausgewaehlten Branchen der Budesrepublik Deuteschland anhand empirischer Untersuchungen / Ifo-Institut fuer Wirtsc...
Testo Monografico

Ifo-Institut fur Wirtschaftsforschung
Zur volkswirtschaftlichen Problematik der dynamischen Sozialrente - Untersuchung des Ifo-Instituts fur Wirtschaftsfirschung, Munchen, unter Mitarbeit / von Hanns-Joachim Rustow
Berlin ; Munchen - Duncker & Humblot, c1956
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Farming and rural systems research and extension- local identities and globalisation - fifth IFSA European symposium - Florence, April 8-11, 2002 / edited by Artur Cristovão and Luigi Omodei Zorini
Florence - Arsia, (2003)
Testo Monografico

Iga, Mamoru
The thorn in the chrysanthemum - suicide and economic success in modern Japan / Mamoru Iga ; forewords by Edwin S. Shneidman and David K. Reynolds
Berkeley (etc. - University of California press, c1986
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Igbokwe, Anthony
Analysis of ownership, governance and entrepreneurial orientation in small and medium sized family firms - a study scenario of Nigeria - dottorato di ricerca in economia aziendale, 19. ciclo - dissertazione di dottorato / dottorando- Anthony Igbokwe ; relatore- Giovanni Padroni ; coordinatore- Giovanni Padroni
(Pisa, 2007)
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