Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinamento per Autore)
Argomento: Economia (A-I)

Pagina nr. 5552 di 5907       

International economic history congress (11. ; 1994 ; Milano)
B2- Water control in Western Europe, twelfth-sixteenth centuries / Elisabeth Crouzet-Pavan and Jean-Claude Maire-Vigueur, editors
Milano - Eleventh international economic history congress - Universita Bocconi, 1994
Incluso in > Proceedings Eleventh international economic history congress - Milan, September 1994
Testo Monografico

International economic history Congress (12. ; 1998; Madrid)
The microeconomic analysis of the household and the labour market, 1880-1939 / Timothy W. Guinnane, Paul Johnson ; Clara Eugenia Nunez editor
Sevilla - Universidad ed altri , 1998
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International economic history congress (12. ; Madrid ; 1998)
Accumulation and dissolution of large estates of the regular clergy in early modern Europe - proceedings of the twelfth International economic history congress / presented and edited by Fiorenzo Landi ; essays and researches with an english summary by Maximiliano Barrio Gozálo ... ed altri
Rimini - Guaraldi, 1999
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International economic history congress (12. ; Madrid ; 1998)
Debates and controversies in economic history - Proceedings twelfth international economic history congress - A / Clara-Eugenia Núñez editor
Madrid - Editorial centro de estudios Ramón Areces, dep. leg. 1998
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International economic history congress (12. ; Madrid ; 1998)
Recent doctoral research in economic history - D, Sessions - *Proceedings twelfth international economic history congress / Clara-Eugenia Núñez editor
Madrid - Universidad nacional de educación a distancia, 1998
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International Economic History Congress (15. ; 2009 ; Utrecht)
Small is beautiful - Interlopers and smaller trading nations in the pre-industrial period - proceedings of the 15th Worls Economic History Congress in Utrecht (Netherlands) 2009 / edited by Markus A. Denzel, Jan de Vries, and Philipp Robinson Rössner
Stuttgart - Franz Steiner, 2011
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International economic history congress (7. ; 1978 ; Edimburgo)
Four "A" themes - Seventh international economic history congress, Edinburgh 13-19 august 1978 = Septième congrès internationale d'histoire économique, Edimbourg 13-19 aout 1978 / International economic history association = Association internationale d'histoire economique
(Luogo di pubblicazione non indicato ) - International economic history association, c1978 (Tonbridge - Lewis Reprints)
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International economic history congress (8. ; 1982 ; Budapest)
Munzpragung, Geldumlauf und Wechselkurse - Akten des 8th International Economic History Congress, Section C7, Budapest 1982 / im Auftrag der Economic History Association herausgegeben von Eddy van Cauwenberghe und Franz Irsigler
Trier - Verlag Trierer Historische Forschungen, 1984
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International economic history congress (8. ; 1982 ; Budapest)
Technical change, employment and investment / theme A3 at the 8. Internat. Economic History Congress, Budapest 1982. Convener- Lennart Jörberg Lund - Dep. of Economic History, 1982
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International Economic History Congress (9. ; 1986 ; Berna)
Ninth International Economic History Congress Bern 1986 - debates and controversies
Zurich - Verlag der Fachvereine, 1986
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International economics study group
Causes of changes in the structure of international trade, 1960-85 - papers of the eleventh annual conference of the International economics study group / edited by John Black and Alasdair I. MacBean
Basingstoke ; London - MacMillan, 1989
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International economics study group
International capital movements - papers of the fifth annual conference of the International economics study group / edited by John Black and John H. Dunning
Basingstoke - MacMillan, 1982
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International economics study group
International trade and labour markets / edited by Jitendralal Borkakoti and Chris Milner for the International economics study group
Basingstoke ; London - Macmillan ; New York - St. Martin's Press, 1997
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International economics study group
Problems of international finance - papers of the seventh annual conference of the International economics study group / edited by John Black and Graeme S. Dorrance
New York - St. Martins press, c1984
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International economics study group
Problems of international finance - papers of the seventh annual conference of the International economics study group / edited by John Black and Graeme S. Dorrance
London etc. - MacMillan, 1984
Testo Monografico