Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinamento per Autore)
Argomento: Enciclopedie

Pagina nr. 2731 di 3117       

Heinzel, Erwin
Lexikon historischer Ereignisse und Personen - in Kunst, Literatur und Musik / von E. Heinzel
Wien - Hollinek, 1956
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Heister, Rolf
Dictionary of abbreviations in medical sciences - with a list of the most important medical and scientific journals and their traditional abbreviations / Rolf Heister ; foreword by W. Forth
Berlin etc. - Springer, ©1989
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Held, Gilbert
Dictionary of communications technology - terms, definitions and abbreviations / Gilbert Held
Chichester - John Wiley & Sons, 1998
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Held, Joseph
Dictionary of East European history since 1945 / Joseph Held
London - Mansell, 1994
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Hellberg, O.
Juridik ordbok = lexique juridique - francais-suedois et suedois-francais avec des explications de conception / Olle Hellberg
Stockholm - P. A. Norstedt & Soners Forlag, 1983
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Hellyer, Arthur George Lee
Encyclopaedia of garden work and terms / by Arthur George Lee Hellyer
London ; New York - Collingridge Transatlantic Arts, 1954
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Hellyer, Arthur George Lee
The encyclopaedia of plant portraits - illustrations of cultivated plants (...) / by A. G. L. Hellyer
London - Collingridge ; Florida - Transatlantic arts incorporated, 1953
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Hemon, Roparz
Geriadur istorel ar brezhoneg / Roparz Hemon
Rennes - Preder
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Hempel, Carl Gustav
Il Circolo di Vienna / Carl Gustav Hempel ; testi di commento all'intervista in videocassetta a cura di Vittorio Mathieu, Claudio Rugafiori, Cosima Campagnolo
(Roma) - VideoRai, (1992 )
Incluso in > Enciclopedia multimediale delle scienze filosofiche / a cura di Renato Parascandolo ; Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana ; RAI, Dipartimento Scuola Educazione ; Istituto Italiano per gli Studi Filo...

Henderson, Isabella Ferguson
A dictionary of scientific terms - pronunciation, derivation, and definition of terms in biology, botany, zoology, anatomy, cytology, genetics, embriology, physiology / by I. F. Henderson and W. D. Henderson
Edinburgh ; London - Oliver and Boyd, 1953
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Henderson, Isabella Ferguson
Henderson's dictionary of biological terms
Harlow - Longman scientific & technical, 1989
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Henderson, Isabella Ferguson
Hendersons dictionary of biological terms
London ; New York - Longman, 1979
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Henderson, James D.
A reference guide to Latin American history / James D. Henderson, Helen Delpar, Maurice P. Brungardt ; Richard N. Weldon, technical editor
Armonk (etc.) - M. E. Sharpe, ©2000
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Hendler, Sheldon Saul
Enciclopedia delle vitamine e dei minerali / Sheldon Saul Hendler
Milano - Tecniche nuove, (1994)
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Henkel, Gerhard
The Henkel glossary of fluorescent minerals / Gerhard Henkel ; editors Earl R. Verbeek, Peter J. Modreski
Tarzana, Ca. - Fluorescent mineral society
Incluso in > Journal of the Fluorescent mineral society / Fluorescent mineral society
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