Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinamento per Autore)
Argomento: Enciclopedie

Pagina nr. 2769 di 3117       

Kunzmann, Peter
Atlas de la philosophie / Peter Kunzmann, Franz-Peter Burkard et Franz Wiedmann
Parigi - Librairie générale française, 1999 (Varese - La tipografica Varese)
Testo Monografico

Kurian, George Thomas
Encyclopedia of the First World / George Thomas Kurian
New York etc. - Facts On File, ©1990
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Kurian, George Thomas
Encyclopedia of the Third World / by George Thomas Kurian
London - Mansell, 1982
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Kurian, George Thomas
Encyclopedia of the Third World / by George Thomas Kurian
New York etc. - Facts on file, copyr. 1987
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Kurian, George Thomas
Encyclopedia of the Third World / edited by George Thomas Kurian
New York ; Oxford - Facts on File, ©1992
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Kurian, George Thomas
Encyclopedia of the third world / George Thomas Kurian
London - Mansell, 1979
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Kurpaska, Maria
Chinese language(s) - a look through the prism of The great dictionary of modern Chinese dialects / by Maria Kurpaska
Berlin ; New York - Mouton de Gruyter, ©2010
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Kurts, Friedrich
Allgemeine Mythologie / von Friedrich Kurts
Leipzig - Weigel, 1869
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Kurtz, Laura S.
Historical dictionary of Tanzania / Laura S. Kurtz
Metuchen, N.W. ; London - The Scarecrow press, 1978
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Kutsch, Karl Josef
Grosses Sängerlexikon / K. J. Kutsch, Leo Riemens
Bern (etc.) - Francke
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Kutzbach, Karl August
Autorenlexikon der Gegenwart - schöne Literatur verfasst in deutscher Sprache - mit einer Chronik seit 1945 / von Karl August Kutzbach
Bonn - Bouvier, 1950
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Kuznetsov, Boris V.
Russian-English dictionary of scientific and technical usage / B. V. Kuznetsov
Moscow - Russky Yazyk ; Oxford etc. - Pergamon press, 1986
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Kuznetsov, Boris V.
Russian-english polytechnical dictionary / edited by B. V. Kuznetsov
Oxford etc. - Pergamon press, copyr. 1980
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Kvjatkovskij, Aleksandr Pavlovic
Poeticeskij slovar' / A. Kvjatkovskij
Moskva - Sovetskaja enciklopedija, 1966
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Kvjatkovskij, Aleksandr Pavlovic
Slovar' poèticeskij terminov / sostavil A. P. Kvjatkovskij ; pod redakciej S. M. Bondi
Moskva - Gosudarstvennoe izdatel'stvo inostrannyh i nacional'nyh slovarej, 1940
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