Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinamento per Titolo (senza autore))
Argomento: Europa

Pagina nr. 2985 di 6380       

Die extreme Rechte in Europa - zur neueren Entwicklung in Deutschland, Osterreich, Frankreich und Italien / Reinhard Kuhnl ... (ed altri)
Heilbronn - Distel, c1998
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The extreme right - in Europe and the United States
Amsterdam - Anne Frank Stichting, 1985
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Extreme right activists in Europe - through the magnifying glass / edited by Bert Klandermans and Nonna Mayer
London ; New York - Routledge, 2006
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The extreme right in Europe - current trends and perspectives / edited by Uwe Backes and Patrick Moreau
Gottingen - Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, c2012
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The extreme right in Europe and the USA / edited by Paul Hainsworth
London - Pinter, 1992
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The extreme right in Europe and the USA / edited by Paul Hainsworth
London - Pinter, 1994
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Extreme urban poverties in Europe - contradictions and perverse effects in welfare policies / edited by Paolo Guidicini, Giovanni Pieretti, Maurizio Bergamaschi
Milano - F. Angeli, 1996
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Extremism in Europe / coordination- Jean-Yves Camus ; translators for the English edition- Edward Castleton, Priscilla Malraux, Joanne Perkins
(Luogo di pubblicazione non indicato - Editions de L'aube - CERA, 1997
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Extremism in Europe - 1998 survey / edited by Jean-Yves Camus ; translators for the English edition Steve Garner, Priscilla Malraux, Joanne Perkins
(Luogo di pubblicazione non indicato - Editions de l'aube - CERA, 1998
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Extremismes en Europe / dirige par Jean Yves Camus ; traduit pour l'edition francaise par Priscilla Malraux ... (ed altri
La Tour d'Aigues - Editions de l'Aube - CERA, Centre europeen de recherche et d'action sur le racisme et l'antisemitisme, 1997
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Extremismus, Gewalt, Terrorismus - Hintergründe und Handlungskonsequenzen / Ulrich Zwiener, Klaus-M. Kodalle, Wolfgang Frindte (Herausgeber) ; Collegium Europaeum Jenense
Jena ; Erlangen - Palm & Enke, ©2003
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Extrusion technology for the food industry - proceedings of the European conference held at the Institute for industrial research and standards (IIRS), Dublin, 9-10 December, 1986 / edited by Colm O'Connor
London ; New York - Elsevier applied science, c1987
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L' extrémisme politique - danger pour la démocratie en Europe - partis, mouvements et groupes extrémistes - enquête et analyse / (a cura del Centre Européen de Recherche et d'Action sur le Racisme et l'Antisémitisme
Paris - Institute of Jewish Affaires, 1994
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L' extrême droite en Europe / Béatrice Giblin (sous la direction de)
Paris - La Découerte, (2014)
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Extrême droite et pouvoir en Europe / édité par Pascal Delwit, Philippe Poirier
Bruxelles - Éd. de l'Université de Bruxelles, c2007
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