Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinamento per Titolo (senza autore))
Argomento: Europa

Pagina nr. 3641 di 6380       

Innovation in Europe - results for the EU, Iceland and Norway. Data 1998-2001
Luxembourg - Office for official publications of the european communities, 2004
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Innovation in Europes traditional industries - proceedings of the Sprint Conference - Luxembourg, 18-19 December 1989 / edited by J. T. McMullan
Luxembourg - Office for official publications of the European Communities, 1991
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Innovation in nuclear energy technology / Nuclear Energy Agency
Paris - OECD, c2007
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Innovation in primary education in Italy - planning and training - il piano pluriennale di aggiornamento sui nuovi programmi per la scuola elementare- una riflessione in prospettiva europea - seminario internazionale organizzato in collaborazione con ATEE - Firenze 26-28 ottobre 1989 / redazione a cura di Renzo Bonaiuti
Firenze - s.n. , 1991
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2- Innovation in processes and products
Milano - AIM, c1999
Incluso in > Stainless steel '99 science and market - international congress - 3. European congress - Chia Laguna - Sardinia, Italy 6-9 june 1999 - proceedings
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Innovation management tools - a review of selected methodologies / by David Brown ... ed altri - Luxembourg - Office for Official publications of the European communities, 1997
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Innovation networks - concepts and challenges in the European perspective / Knut Koschatzky, Marianne Kulicke, Andrea Zenker (editors)
Heidelberg ; New York - Physica-Verlag, c2001
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Innovation networks - spatial perspectives / edited by Roberto Camagni on behalf of GREMI (Groupe de recherche europeen sur les milieux innovateurs)
London ; New York - Belhaven, 1991
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Innovation networks- spatial perspectives / edited by Roberto Camagni on behalf of GREMI (Groupe de Recherche Europeen sur les Milieux Innovateurs)
London ; New York - Belhaven Press, 1991
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The innovation of EU environmental policy / Duncan Liefferink , Mikael Skou Andersen eds
Oslo °etc. - Scandinavian university press, stampa 1997
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Innovation performance review of Belarus / United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
New York ; Geneva - United Nations, 2011
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Innovation policies in Europe and the US - the new agenda / edited by Peter S. Biegelbauer, Susana Borràs
Aldershot - Ashgate, 2003
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Innovation policy in Europe- measurement and strategy / edited by Claire Nauwelaers and René Wintjes
Cheltenham ; Northmpton, MA - Edward Elgar, c2008
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Innovation, competence building and social cohesion in Europe - towards a learning society / edited by Pedro Conceição and Manuel V. Heitor, Bengt-?ke Lundvall
Cheltenham (UK) ; Northampton (MA) - Elgar, (2003)
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Innovation, investment and the diffusion of technology in Europe - German direct investment and economic growth in postwar Europe / edited by Ray Barrell and Nigel Pain
Cambridge - Cambridge university press, 1999
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