(ordinamento per Titolo (senza autore)) Argomento: Europa |
Pagina nr. 4047 di 6380 |
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Copenhagen - Regional office for Europe, 1975 Testo Monografico Management of separated plutonium - the technical options / Nuclear Energy Agency ; Organisation for economic co-operation and development Paris - OECD, 1997 Testo Monografico The management of the EU support for the public storage operations of cereals - special report n. 11/2008 - (pursuant to the second subparagraph of Article 248(4) of the EC Treaty) / European Court of Auditors Luxembourg - Office for official publications of the European Communities, 2009 Testo Monografico Management of the hemophilias - second and third meetings of the European Home Therapy Group held in Newcastle upon Tyne (1976) and Madrid (1978) / edited by P. Jones ... ?ed altri? Copenhagen - Munksgaard, 1980 Incluso in > Scandinavian journal of haematology. Supplementum . Testo Monografico Management of the monumental environment and its landmarks - the fortified medieval city of Rhodes / editor Gianni Perbellini The Hague - Europa Nostra, 2010 Incluso in > Europa Nostra bulletin Testo Monografico Management of uncertainty in safety cases and the role of risk - workshop proceedings, Stockholm, Sweden, 2-4 february 2004 / Nuclear Energy Agency, Organisation for economic co-operation and development Paris - NEA - OECD, (2005 Testo Monografico Management of vegetation - (proceedings of a symposium on the management of natural and semi-natural vegetation held at the Centre for European agricultural studies, Wye college, Kent from 27.-29. September 1982) / edited by J. M. Way Croydon - British crop protection council, c1983 Testo Monografico Management of wastes from uranium mining and milling - proceedings of an international symposium on management of wastes from uranium mining and milling / jointly organized by the International Atomic Energy Agency and the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency and held in Albuquerque, 10-14 May, 1982 Vienna - International Atomic Energy Agency, 1982 Testo Monografico Management von Natura 2000 Gebieten - Erfahrungen aus Deutschland und ausgewählten anderen Mitgliedsstaaten der Europäischen Union / Bearbeitung Götz Ellwanger, Eckhard Schröder Bonn-Bad Godesberg - Bundesamt für Naturschutz, ©2006 Testo Monografico Management, labour and industrial politics in modern Europe - the quest for productivity growth during the twentieth century / edited by Joseph Melling and Alan McKinlay Cheltenham ; Brookfield - E. Elgar, ©1996 Testo Monografico 4- Management, monitoring and support staff Brussels - Eurydice, 2002 Incluso in > European glossary on education Testo Monografico Management, quality and economics in building - transaction of the european symposium on management, quality and economics in housing and other building sectors held in Lisbon, 30 september-4 october 1991 / edited by Artur Bezelga, Peter Brandon London - E & FN Spon, 1991 Testo Monografico Management- quale scuola per una professione europea? - una indagine sui valori e sui sistemi educativi alla base della formazione dei dirigenti in Francia, Italia e Spagna / Jean Pierre Nioche ... (ed altri) - a cura di Gaetano Mercadante ; prefazione di Salvatore Teresi Rimini - Maggioli, (1993) Testo Monografico Manager culturale - un nuovo profilo professionale / un corso sperimentale realizzato con il concorso del Fondo sociale europeo ; a cura di Giovanni Bechelloni Roma - Il campo, stampa 1991 Testo Monografico Manager culturale, un nuovo profilo professionale - un corso sperimentale realizzato con il concorso del Fondo sociale europeo / a cura di Giovanni Bechelloni Roma - Il campo, stampa 1991 Testo Monografico |