Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinamento per Titolo (senza autore))
Argomento: Europa

Pagina nr. 5574 di 6380       

Social costs and sustainable mobility - strategies and experience in Europe and the United States / K. Rennings, O. Hohmeyer, R. L. Ottinger
Heidelberg...(etc.) - Physica-Verlag, 2000
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Social Crime Prevention in Late Modern Europe - a comparative perspective / editors Patrick Hebberecht and Evelyne Baillergeau
Brussels - VUBPRESS, 2012
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Le social dans la ville en France et en Europe, 1750-1914 / sous la directionde Jacques-Guy Petit et Yannick Marec
Paris - Les éditions de l'atelier/Éditions ouvrières, 1996
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Social democracy - global and national perspectives / edited by Luke Martell with Christien van der Anker... ed altri
Huondmills - Palgrave, 2001
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Social democracy and education - the european experience / Frans Becker, Karl Duffek and Tobias Morschel (eds.)
Amsterdam - Mets & Schilt, (2008)
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Social democracy and European integration - the politics of preference formation / edited by Dionyssis G . Dimitrakopoulos
London ; New York - Routledge, 2011
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Social democracy in a post-communist Europe / edited by Michael Waller, Bruno Coppieters and Kris Deschouwer
London - Cass, c1994
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Social democracy in Europe / edited by Pascal Delwit
Bruxelles - Editions de l'Universite de Bruxelles, c2005
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Social democracy in neoliberal times - the left and economic policy since 1980 / edited by Andrew Glyn
Oxford - Oxford university press, 2001
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Social democracy in transition - northern, southern and eastern Europe / edited by Lauri Karvonen and Jan Sundberg
Aldershot (etc.) - Dartmouth, c1991
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Social democratic parties in the European Union - history, organization, policies / edited by Robert Ladrech and Philippe Marliere
Basingstoke - London - MacMillan ; New York - St. Martin, 1999
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Social Democratic Parties in Western Europe / edited by William E. Paterson and Alastair H. Thomas
London - Croom Helm, 1977
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Social democratic party policies in contemporary Europe / edited by Giuliano Bonoli and Martin Powell
London ; New York - Routledge, 2004
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Social determinants of health - the solid facts / edited by Richard Wilkinson and Michael Marmot
Copenhagen - World health organization, Regional office for Europe, (2003
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Social developments in the European Union ... / European trade union institute (ETUI) ... (ed altri)
Brussels - ETUI
Pubblicazione Periodica