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Argomento: Europa

Pagina nr. 6089 di 6380       

4- United Kingdom
London - Graham & Whiteside, 1996
Incluso in > Major companies of Europe - 1996-97 / managing editor M. Eastwood ; editors S. Blackburn ... et al.
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15- United Kingdom
Luxemburgo - Oficina de publicaciones oficiales de las Comunidades europeas, 1996
Incluso in > Trabajos preparatorios relativos a la *ratificacion por los Estados miembros de las Comunidades Europeas del tratado de la Union europea / Documentacion reunida por la Division de biblioteca del Trib...
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United Kingdom / Directorate-general for economic and financial affairs
Brussels - Commission of the European communities, Directorate-general for economic and financial affairs, 1991
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United Kingdom - December 1996 / by Peter Robinson editor ; Centre for economic performance, London school of economics ; financed by and prepared for the use of the European Commission, Directorate-General for employment, industrial relations and social affairs
Luxembourg - Office for official publications of the European Communities, 1997
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The United Kingdom and EC membership evaluated / edited by Simon Bulmer, Stephen George and Andrew Scott
London - Pinter, 1992
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The United Kingdom and the European Communities - presented as a Background paper to the labour party conference October 1971
London - The Labour Party, 1971
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United Kingdom country study
Washington D. C. - Economic cooperation administration, 1949
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Vol. A- United Kingdom sources
, 1973
Incluso in > Encyclopedia of European community law / general editor K. R. Simmonds
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1- United Kingdom, Ireland
London - Graham and Trotman, 1985
Incluso in > The law and practice concerning occupational health in the member states of the European Community
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United Kingdom, Ireland
Incluso in > Vademecum to university reception - from university to university in Europe in pursuit of knowledge / coordination- Mario Ramadoro
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United Kingdom, Ireland
Verona - Edizioni Futuro, c1989
Incluso in > Vademecum to university reception - from university to university in Europe in pursuit of knowledge / Council of Europe
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1- United Kingdom, Sweden / (ed. by) Council of Europe
Strasbourg - Documentation centre for education in Europe, 1971
Incluso in > Educational research - european survey 1970 / editor Council of Europe
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The United Nations & regional security - Europe and beyond / edited by Michael Pugh and Waheguru Pal Singh Sidhu
Boulder ; London - Lynne Rienner, 2003
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The United Nations and the European Union - an ever stronger partnership / edited by Jan Wouters, Frank Hoffmeister, Tom Ruys
The Hague - T.M.C. Asser press, c2006
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United Nations framework classification for fossil energy and mineral reserves and resources 2009 / Economic Commission for Europe
New York ; Geneva, United Nations, 2010
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