Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinamento per Autore)
Argomento: Europa

Pagina nr. 277 di 8793       

Ashley, Maurice
Le Grand Siècle - L'Europe de 1598 à 1715 / Traduit de l'anglais par Claire Poole
Paris - Fayard, 1973
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Ashley, Roscoe Lewis
Early European Civilization - a textbook for secondary schools / by Roscoe Lewis Ashley
New York - Macmillan, 1921 (c1916)
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Ashley, William James
Le cote economique de la conflagration europeenne / W. J. Ashley
Bologna (etc.) - Zanichelli (etc.), (1915 )
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Ashmolean museum
Summary catalogue of paintings in the Ashmolean museum
Oxford - Ashmolean museum ; London - in association with Lund Humphries, 1980
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Ashton, Harold
First from the front / by Harold Ashton
London - C. Arthur Pearson, pref. 1914
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Ashton, Stephen Richard
In search of detente - the politics of East-West relations since 1945 / S. R. Ashton
Basingstoke ; London - MacMillan, 1989
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Ashtor, Eliyahu
Che cosa sapevano i geografi arabi dell'Europa occidentale? / E. Ashtor
Napoli - Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane, 1969
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Ashtor, Eliyahu
East-west trade in the medieval Mediterranean / Eliyahu Ashtor ; edited by Benjamin Z. Kedar
London - Variorum Reprints, 1986
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Ashtor, Eliyahu
Levantine alkali ashes and european industries / Eliyahu Ashtor, Guidobaldo Cevidalli
Roma - Banco di Roma, (1983 )
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Ashtor, Eliyahu
Technology, industry and trade - the Levant versus Europe, 1250-1500 / Eliyahu Ashtor ; edited by B.Z. Kedar
Aldershot - Variorum, copyr. 1992
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Ashwin, Clive
Drawing and education in German-speaking Europe - 1800-1900 / Clive Ashwin
Ann Arbor - UMI research press, 1981
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Ashworth, Gregory John
Selling the city - marketing approaches in public sector urban planning / G. J. Ashworth and H. Voogd
London ; New York - Belhaven Press, 1990
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Asian-European congress on the menopause (1. ; 1998 ; Bangkok)
1st. Asian-European congress on the menopause - Bangkok, Thailand, January 28-31, 1998 / edited by Kobchitt Limpaphayom
Bologna - Monduzzi International proceedings division, 1998
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Asimakis, Ioannis
O kopos tis agapis sas - preumatiki Anagnosi ton Epistolon tou Apostolou Paulou stous protous europaious Christianous / Ioannis Asimakis
Thessaloniki - Apostoliko Bikariato Thessalonikis, 2008
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Asimov, Michael
Adjudication / by Michael Asimov and Lisl J. Dunlop ; George A. Bermann, Charles H. Koch jr. and James T. O'Reilly, editors
Chicago - American bar association, Section of administrative law and regulatory practice, c2008
Incluso in > Administrative law of the European Union / George A. Bermann, Charles H. Koch jr. and James T. O'Reilly, editors
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