Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinamento per Autore)
Argomento: Europa

Pagina nr. 280 di 8793       

Asor Rosa, Alberto
Socialismo, città, architettura URSS 1917-1937 - il contributo degli architetti europei / scritti di A. Asor Rosa ... (ed altri
Roma - Officina, 1971
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Asor Rosa, Alberto
Storia europea della letteratura italiana / Alberto Asor Rosa
Torino - Piccola biblioteca Einaudi, 2009
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Asor Rosa, Alberto
Storia europea della letteratura italiana / Alberto Asor Rosa ; antologia a cura di Lucinda Spera e Monica Cristina Storini ; con la collaborazione di Giulia Ponsiglione
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Aspell, Patrick J.
Medieval western philosophy - the european emergence / Patrick J. Aspell
Washington - The council for research in values and philosophy, 1999
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Aspen institute Italia
Italy today and tomorrow - pre-seminar, Venice, October 5-6, 1987 / Aspen institute Italia
(Luogo di pubblicazione non indicato - Aspen institute Italia, ©1988 (Roma - Veutro)
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The Aspen Strategy Group
Chemical weapons and Western security policy / The Aspen strategy group and the European strategy group ; in cooperation with the Aspen institute, Berlin
Lanham (MD) - Aspen institute for humanistic studies ; University press of America, ©1987
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Aspeslagh, Robert
Pax et libertas civium - the role of the universities - a survey of educational and research programmes of universities and research institutes in the Europe region devoted to international understanding, co-operation, peace and respect for human rights / by Robert Aspeslagh, Dumitru Chitoran, Adrian Nastase
Bucharest - European Centre for Higher Edcuation, 198
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Aspinwall, Mark
Rethinking Britain and Europe - plurality elections, party management and British policy on European integration / Mark Aspinwall
Manchester ; New York - Manchester University Press, 2004
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Aspock, Ruth
Reisen mit Franz Grillparzer - auf den Spuren des Dichters quer durch Europa / Ruth Aspock ; mit zwei Kapitolen von Robert Eglhofer
Wien - Locker Verlag, 2012
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Asprea, Saverio
La famiglia di fatto - in Italia e in Europa / Saverio Asprea
Milano - Giuffre, c2003
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Aspremont, Jean - d'
1989-2010- the rise and fall of democratic governance in international law / Jean d'Aspremont.
Incluso in > Select proceedings of the European Society of international law - International law 1989-2010- a performance Appraisal, Cambridge, 2-4 September 2010 / edited by James Crawford and Sarah Nouwen
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Asprey, Robert B.
L' alto comando tedesco / Robert Asprey ; traduzione di Aldo Papadia
Milano - Rizzoli, 1993
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Aspöck, Horst
Die neuropteren Europas - eine zusammenfassende darstellung der systematik, okologie und chronologie, der neuropteoridea (Megaloptera, Raphidioptera, Planipennia) Europas / von Horst Aspock, Ulrikr Aspock, Herbert Holzel ; unter mitarbeit von Hubert Rausch
Krefeld - Goecke und Evers, 1980
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Asquer, Alberto
On the many ways europeanization matters- the +implementation of the water reform in Italy (1994-2006) / Alberto Asquer
Munich - CESifo, 2009
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Asquith, Herbert Henry
La guerra, le sue cause e il suo significato - discorsi / pronunziati dall'on. H.H. Asquith, Primo Ministro d'Inghilterra (agosto-ottobre 1914) dedicati a S.M. il Re Giorgio 5
London - Thomas Nelson & Sons, (1914 )
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