(ordinamento per Autore) Argomento: Europa |
Pagina nr. 1938 di 8793 |
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Momsopkrævnings- og kontrolprocedurer i medlemsstaterne - Anden rapport i henhold til artikel 12 Forordning (EØF, Euratom) nr. 1553/89 Luxembourg - Kontoret for De Europæiske Fællesskabers Officielle Publikationer, 1995 (Printed in Italy) Testo Monografico Commissione europea Monitoring tax revenues and tax reforms in EU member states 2010 / European Commission, Directorate-General for economic and financial affairs Luxembourg - Publication office of the European Union, 2010 Incluso in > European economy / Commission of the European communities, Directorate-general for economic and financial affairs Testo Monografico Commissione europea A more research-intensive and integrated European Research Area - Science, Technology and Competitiveness key figures report 2008/2009 / Directorate-general for Research Luxembourg - Office for official publications of the European Communities, 2008 Testo Monografico Commissione europea multilingual dictionary of fishing vessels and safety on board / Commissione Europa Lussemburgo, II ediz., 1992 Testo Monografico Commissione europea Multilingual illustrated dictionary of aquatic animals and plants / European Commission Oxford - Fishing news books ; Luxembourg - Office for official publications of the European Communities, 1998 Testo Monografico Commissione europea Méthodes d'analyses comparatives dans les transports - méthodologies, applications & données nécessaires - actes de la conférence tenue a Paris en novembre 1999 / Commission européenne Paris - CEMT, c2000 Testo Monografico Commissione europea Métra pou éxoun lephtheí kat' epharmogé tes odegías 91/676/EOK gia ten prostasía ton udáton apó te nitrorrúpanse georgikés proéleveses - perílepse ton ekthéseon pon upébalan sten epitropé ta kráte méle básei tou arthrou 11 / ékthese tes epitropés pros to sumboúlio kai to europaikó koinoboúlio Louxembourgo - Uperesía episémon ekdóseon ton europaikón kointéton, 1998 Testo Monografico Commissione europea 1- National reports / Commission of the European Communities Luxembourg - Office for official publications of the European Communities, 1994 Incluso in > The system of administrative and penal sanctions in the member States of the European Communities Testo Monografico Commissione europea Nationale procedures voor de inning en de controle van de BTW - tweede verslag van artikel 12 (verordening (EEG, Euratom) nr. 1553/89) Luxemburg - Bureau voor officiele publikaties der Europese gemeenschappen, 1995 (printed in Italy) Testo Monografico Commissione europea Natura 2000 in the Continental Region / European Commission ; EnvironmentDirectorate general Luxembourg - Office of official publications of theEuropean Communities, 2010 Testo Monografico Commissione europea Natura 2000 nella regione alpina / Commissione europea, Direzione generale dell'ambiente, (Kerstin Sundseth) - Lussemburgo - Ufficio delle pubblicazioni dell'Unione europea, 2010 Testo Monografico Commissione europea Networking the European research area - coordination of national and regionalresearch programmes / European Commission, Directorate-General for Research. -(Luxembourg) - Publications office, c2010 Testo Monografico Commissione europea New funds, better rules - overview of new financial rules and fundind opportunities 2007-2013 / European Commission Luxembourg - Office for official publications of the European Communities, 2007 Testo Monografico Commissione europea A new partnership for cohesion - convergence, competitiveness, cooperation - *third report on economic and social cohesion / European Commission Luxembourg - Office for official publications of the European Communities, c2004 Testo Monografico Commissione europea New public-private partnership for research in the manufacturing, construction and automotive sectors - European PPP research supports economic recovery - progress report- July 2012 / European Commission, Directorate-General for Research, Industrial technologies, Unit G2 'New generation of products' Luxembourg - Publications Office of the European Union, 2012 Testo Monografico |