Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinamento per Autore)
Argomento: Europa

Pagina nr. 2661 di 8793       

Dahrendorf, Ralf
Reflections on the revolution in Europe / Ralf Dahrendorf ; with a new introduction and postscript by the author
New Brunswick ; London - Transaction, (2005)
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Dahrendorf, Ralf
Reflections on the revolution in Europe - in a letter intended to have been sent to a gentleman in Warsaw, 1990 / Ralf Dahrendorf
London - Chatto & Windus, 1990
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Dahrendorf, Ralf
Reflexions sur la revolution en Europe - 1989-1990 / Ralf Dahrendorf
Paris eds. du Seuil, c1991
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Dahrendorf, Ralf
Sociologia della Germania contemporanea / Ralf Dahrendorf ; traduzione di Giorgio Backhaus
Milano - Il saggiatore, 1968
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Dahrendorf, Ralf
Universities after communism - the Hannah Arendt Prize and the Reform of Higher Education in East Central Europe / Ralf Dahrendorf
Hamburg - Körber-Stiftung, ©2000
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Dahriman, Georges
Pour les Etats confederes d'Europe / Georges Dahriman
Paris - Argo, c 1929
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Dai, Xiudian
Corporate strategy, public policy and new technologies - Philips and the europeanconsumer electronics industry / Xiudian Dai
Oxford ; New York ; Tokyo - Pergamon, 1996
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Daiber, Hans
Storia del teatro tedesco contemporaneo 1945-1990 - Austria, Germania, Svizzera / Hans Daiber ; edizione italiana a cura di Jerzy Pomianowski
Roma - Gremese, ©1993
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Daicoviciu, Hadrian
Cetati si asezari dacice în sud-vestul Transilvaniei / Hadrian Daicoviciu, Stefan Ferenczi, Ioan Glodariu
Bucuresti - Editura stiintifica si enciclopedica
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Daig, Hans-Wolfram
Nichtigkeits- und Untatigkeitsklagen im Recht der Europaischen Gemeinschaften / Hans-Wolfram Daig
Baden-Baden - Nomos, 1985
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Dailier, Patrick
L' Harmonisation des legislations douanieres des etats membres de la Communaute Economique Europeenne- contribution a la theorie da l'harmonisation des legislations europeennes / Patrick Daillier
Paris - Libraire de droit et de jurisprudence, 1972
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Daillier, Patrick
L' harmonisation des législations dounières des Etats membres de la Communauté Economique Européenne / par Patrick Daillier ; préf. de Pierre-Henri Teitgen
Paris - Pichon et Durand-Auzias, 1972
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Daily Mail
Daily Mail general war map of Europe
London - George Philip and son, (1914 )

Daim, Wilfried
Le Vatican et les Pays de l'Est / Wilfried Daim ; traduit de l'allemand par Louis Mézeray et Jean Legeard
Paris - Fayard, 1971
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Dainelli, Francesco
The informational capacity of financial performance indicators in European annual reports / Francesco Dainelli, Laura Bini
Santarcangelo di Romagna - Maggioli, 2011
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