Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinamento per Autore)
Argomento: Europa

Pagina nr. 2671 di 8793       

Dalmia, Vasudha
Orienting India - European knowlwdge formation in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries / Vasudha Dalmia
New Delhi - Three essays collective, 2003
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Dalos, György
Giù la cortina - il 1989 e la fine delle dittature nell'Europa dell'Est / György Dalos
Roma - Donzelli, 2009
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Dalton, Hugh
Towards the peace of nations - a study in international politics / by Hugh Dalton
London - G. Routledge, 1928
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Dalton, Russell J.
Green rainbow - environmental groups in Western Europe / Russel J. Dalton
New Haven ; London - Yale university press, c1994
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Dalton, Susan
Engendering the Republic of Letters - reconnecting public and private spheres in Eighteenth-Century Europe / Susan Dalton
Montreal & Kingston (etc.) - McGill-Queens University Press, c2003
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Daltrop, Anne
Politics and the european community / Anne Daltrop
Harlow - Longman, 1982
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Dalu, Luciana
Sturzo e l'idea d'Europa / di Luciana Dalu
Roma - Luiss Guido Carli, c1996
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Dalvit, Giuseppe
L' agricoltura della provincia di Belluno nel quadro del Mercato Comune Europeo / G. Dalvit ; a cura della Camera di commercio industria e agricoltura di Belluno
Belluno - Tip. Benetta, 1958
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Daly, Mary
Access to social rights in Europe - adopted by the European Committee for Social Cohesion (CDCS) at its 8. meeting (Strasbourg, 28-30 May 2002) / report prepared by Mary Daly ; with the assistance of the Editorial Group for the Report on Access to Social Rights (CS-ASR); a Council of Europe
Strasbourg - Council of Europe, 2002
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Daly, Mary
Gender and the welfare state - care, work and welfare in Europe and the USA / Mary Daly and Katherine Rake
Cambridge - Polity, 2003
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Daly, Peter Maurice
Digitizing the European emblem - Issues and Prospects / Peter M. Daly
New York - AMS Press, c2004
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Dam, Cees - van
European Tort Law / Cees Van Dam
New York - Oxford University Press, 2006
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Dam, Cees - van
European tort law / Cees van Dam
Oxford - Oxford University press, 2013
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Dam, Cees - van
European tort law / edited by Cees Van Dam
Oxford - Oxford university press, (2006)
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Damamme, Jean-Claude
La bataille de Waterloo / Jean-Claude Damamme
Paris - Perrin, 1999
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