Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinamento per Autore)
Argomento: Europa

Pagina nr. 2684 di 8793       

Dantine, Wilhelm
Protestantisches abenteuer - Beiträge zur Standortbestimmung der evangelischen Kirche in der Diaspora Europas / Wilhelm Dantine ; herausgegeben von Michael Bünker
Innsbruck °etc ; Göttingen - Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2001
Testo Monografico

Dantini, Michele
Chagall / Michele Dantini
Firenze ; Milano - Giunti, 2014
Incluso in > Art e dossier
Testo Monografico

Dantiscanus, Desiderius
Probabilis rationis, qua Sarmatiae Europaeae regnum fissum, scissum, usque quaque fore redintegrandum, cynosura breviter prolata, deducta, demonstrata per Desiderium Dantiscanum
, 1697
Testo Monografico

Danton De Rouffignac, Peter
Presenting your case to Europe / Peter Danton de Rouffignac
London - Mercury, 1991
Testo Monografico

Dantoni, Anna
Sicurezza e salute del lavoratori - il recepimento dei principi affermati dalla Corte di Giustizia Europea con la sentenza del 15 novembre 2001, C-49 00 - I rischi particolari / Anna Dantoni
Roma - Aracne, 2013
Testo Monografico

Danube european conference on soil mechanics and foundation engineering (1977 ; Bratislava)
Bratislava - (s.n.), 1977
Incluso in > Proceedings of the 5. Danube conference on soil mechanics and foundation engineering - Bratislava, 1977
Testo Monografico

Danube european conference on soil mechanics and foundation engineering (1977 ; Bratislava)
Bratislava - (s.n.), 1977
Incluso in > Proceedings of the 5. Danube conference on soil mechanics and foundation engineering - Bratislava, 1977
Testo Monografico

Danube european conference on soil mechanics and foundation engineering (1977 ; Bratislava)
Bratislava - (s.n.), 1977
Incluso in > Proceedings of the 5. Danube conference on soil mechanics and foundation engineering - Bratislava, 1977
Testo Monografico

Danube european conference on soil mechanics and foundation engineering (1977 ; Bratislava)
Bratislava - (s.n.), 1977
Incluso in > Proceedings of the 5. Danube conference on soil mechanics and foundation engineering - Bratislava, 1977
Testo Monografico

Danube european conference on soil mechanics and foundation engineering (1977 ; Bratislava)
Proceedings of the 5. Danube conference on soil mechanics and foundation engineering - Bratislava, 1977
Bratislava - (s.n.)
Testo Monografico

Danube European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Foundation engineering (4. ; 1974 ; Bled)
2- General reports and discussions
Ljubljana - (Soil Mechanics Laboratory, University of Ljubljana), 1975
Incluso in > Proceedings of the 4. Danube-European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Enginerring, Bled, 1974
Testo Monografico

Danube European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Foundation engineering (4. ; 1974 ; Bled)
Proceedings of the 4. Danube-European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Enginerring, Bled, 1974
Ljubljana - (Soil Mechanics Laboratory, University of Ljubljana)
Testo Monografico

Danube European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Foundation engineering (6. ; 1980 ; Varna)
Danube-European conference on soil mechanics and foundation enginerring, Varna, 1980
Sofia - Bulgarian national committee of soil mechanics and foundation engineering
Testo Monografico

Danube European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Foundation engineering (6. ; 1980 ; Varna)
2- Construction problems in collapsable soils
Sofia - Bulgarian national committee of soil mechanics and foundation engineering,, 1980
Incluso in > 6. Danube-European conference on soil mechanics and foundation enginerring, Varna, 1980
Testo Monografico

Danube European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Foundation engineering (6. ; 1980 ; Varna)
1- Construction problems in soft soils
Sofia - Bulgarian national committee of soil mechanics and foundation engineering,, 1980
Incluso in > 6. Danube-European conference on soil mechanics and foundation enginerring, Varna, 1980
Testo Monografico