Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinamento per Autore)
Argomento: Europa

Pagina nr. 2844 di 8793       

Denkinger, Fleur
Der Verbraucherbegriff - Eine Alalyse personlicher Geltungsbereiche von verbraucherrechtlichen Schutzvorschriften in Europa / Fleur Denkinger
Berlin - De Gruyter Recht, c2007
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Denman, Donald Robert
Bibliography of rural land economy and landownership, 1900-1957 - a full list of works relating to the British Isles and selected works from the United States and Western Europe / by D.R. Denman, J.F.Q. Switzer and O.H.M. Sawyer
Cambridge - Department of estate management, Cambridge University, 1958
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Denman, Roy
Missed chances - Britain and Europe in the twentieth century / Roy Denman
London - Cassel, 1996
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Dennell, Robin
European economic prehistory - a new approach / Robin Dennell
New York - Academic press, 1983
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Dennell, Robin
European economic prehistory - a new approach / Robin Dennell
New York - Academic Press, 1985
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Denninger, Erhard
1998- tendenze del federalismo in Germania / Erhard Denninger
Bologna - CLUEB, 1998
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Denninger, Erhard
Diritti dell'uomo e legge fondamentale / Erhard Denninger ; a cura e con saggio introduttivo di Carlo Amirante
Torino - G. Giappichelli, 1998
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Denninger, Erhard
Grundsätze zur Reform des öffentlichen Dienstrechts / Erhard Denninger, Günter Frankenberg
Baden-Baden - Nomos, 1997
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Dennis, Matthew
Cultivating a Landscape of Peace- Iroquois-European Encounters in Seventeenth-Century America / Matthew Dennis
New York - Cornell University Press, c1993
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Dennis, Richard William George
A revision of the British Helotiaceae in the Herbarium of the Royal botanic gardens, Kew, with notes on related European species / by R. W. G. Dennis
(Kew - The Commonwealth mycological institute), 1956
Incluso in > Mycological papers
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Dennis, Richard William George
A revision of the British Hyaloscyphaceae, with notes on related European species / by R. W. G. Dennis
(Kew - The Commonwealth mycological institute), 1949
Incluso in > Mycological papers
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Denslagen, Wim
Architectural restoration in Western Europe - controversy and continuity / Wim Denslagen
Amsterdam - Architectura and Natura Press, 1994
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Densusianu, Nicolae
Dacia preistorica / Nicolae Densusianu ; text stabilit de Victorela Neagoe ; studiu introductiv ?i note de Manole Neagoe
Bucuresti - Meridiane, 1986
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Dent, Christopher M.
The European economy - the global context / Christopher M. Dent
London - New York - Routledge, 1997
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Dent, Christopher M.
The European Union and East Asia - an economic relationship / Christopher M. Dent
London ; New York - Routledge, 1999
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