Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinamento per Autore)
Argomento: Europa

Pagina nr. 3014 di 8793       

Dunbabin, Jean
Captivity and imprisonment in medieval Europe, 1000-1300 / Jean Dunbabin
Basingstoke - Palgrave ; MacMillan, 2002
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Dunbabin, Jean
Charles 1. of Anjou - power, kingship and state-making in Thirteenth-century Europe / Jean Dunbabin
London (etc.) - Longman, 1998
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Duncan, Simon
Self-help housing in european perspective - capital accumulation and social context - april 1991 / Simon Duncan
Falmer Brighton - Centre for Urban and Regional Research Arts Building B, University of Sussex, 1991
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Duncanson Cameron, Peter
Competition in energy markets - law and regulation in the European Union / Peter Duncanson Cameron
Oxford - Oxford University press, 2007
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Duncanson Cameron, Peter
Competition in energy markets- law and regulation in the European Union / Peter Duncanson Cameron ; consultant editor Michael Brothwood
Oxford - University Press, 2002
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Dunchheim, Thomas
Verwaltungsprozessrecht unter europaischem Einfluss / Thomas Dunchheim
Berlin - Duncker & Humblot, 2003
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Dundovich, Elena
Italiani nei lager di Stalin - (frammenti di storia silenziosa) / Elena Dundovich, Francesca Gori
Milano - Il Giornale, (2009)
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Dundua, Tedo
Part 3- Byzantines and the Georgians / Tedo Dundua
Tbilisi - Meridian, 2012
Incluso in > Georgia within the European integration / Tedo Dundua
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Dundua, Tedo
Georgia within the European integration / Tedo Dundua
Tbilisi - Meridian
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Dundua, Tedo
Part 1- Greeks and the Georgians / Tedo Dundua
Tbilisi - Meridian, 2012.
Incluso in > Georgia within the European integration / Tedo Dundua
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Dundua, Tedo
Part 2- Romans and the Georgians / Tedo Dundua
Tbilisi - Meridian, 2012
Incluso in > Georgia within the European integration / Tedo Dundua
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Dunford, Penny
A biographical dictionary of women artists in Europe and America since 1850 / Penny Dunford
Philadelphia - University of Pennsylvania press, 1989
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Dunford, Penny
A biographical dictionary of women artists in Europe and America since 1850 / Penny Dunford
New York - Harvester Wheatsheaf, 1990
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Dunford, Penny
A biographical dictionary of women artists in Europe and America since 1850 / Penny Dunford
New York ; London {etc.} - Harvester Wheatsheaf, 1990
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Duni, Giovanni
Gli oleodotti nell'ordinamento giuridico italiano e nella Comunita economica europea / Giovanni Duni
Italia - s.n., 1962 (Roma - Tipografico editrice dell'Orso)
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