Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinamento per Autore)
Argomento: Europa

Pagina nr. 3221 di 8793       

European communities workshop (1981 ; Nijmegen)
Ultrasonic tissue characterization - proceedings of the 2. european communities workshop, 30 November - 2 December 1981, Nijmegen, The Netherlands / ed. by J. M. Thijssen and D. Nicholas
The Hague (etc.) - Martinus Nijhoff for the Commission of the European Communities, 1982
Testo Monografico

European community conference (2. ; 1985 ; Luxembourg)
Radioactive waste management and disposal - proceedings of the Second European Community Conference, Luxembourg, April 22-26, 1985 / edited by R. Simon
Cambridge (Cambridgeshire), USA - Cambridge University Press for the Commission of the European Communities, 1986
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European community conference (2. ; 1985 ; Luxembourg)
Radioactive waste management and disposal - proceedings of the second european community conference, Luxembourg, april 22-26, 1985 / edited by R. Simon, Commission of the european communities, Directorate general science, research and development, Brussels
(Cambridge) - Cambridge university press for the Commission of the european communities, 1986
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European Community Conference on Radioactive Waste Management and Disposal (3. ; 1990 ; Luxembourg)
Radioactive waste management and disposal - proceedings of the 3. European Community Conference on Radioactive Waste Management and Disposal - Luxembourg, September 17-21, 1990 / edited by L. Cécille
London ; New York - Elsevier Applied Science, c1991
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European Community Course Credit Transfer System (1996/97 ; Trento)
ECTS - European community course credit transfer system
Trento - University, Faculty of economics, stampa 1996
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European Community Course Credit Transfer System (1997/98 ; Trento)
ECTS - European community course credit transfer system
Trento - University, Faculty of economics, stampa 1997
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European community on computational methods in applied sciences
Multibody dynamics 2003 - ECCOMAS thematic conference - Lisbon, July 1-4, 2003
Lisboa, Portugal - IDMEC, c2003
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European community on computational methods in applied sciences
Multibody dynamics 2005 on advances in computational multibody dynamics - ECCOMAS thematic conference - Madrid, Spain, June 21-24, 2005
(Luogo di pubblicazione non indicato - s.n.), (2005) (Perlio, Fene A Coruna - Imprenta San Esteban)
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European community on computational methods in applied sciences
Multibody dynamics 2007 - ECCOMAS thematic conference - Milano, 25-28 giugno 2007
Milano - Dipartimento di Ingegneria Aerospaziale, Politecnico di Milano, 2007
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European community studies association
The European Union and the euro- economic, institutional and international aspects - Fourth Ecsa-World Conference - Bruxelles, 17-18 septembre 1998 - a selection of conference papers / European Commission, Education and culture DG ; ECSA European community studies association
Luxembourg - Office for official publications of the European communities, c2000
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European competition forum (1. ; 1995 ; Brussels)
Proceedings of the European competition Forum / edited by Claus Dieter Ehlermann, Laraine L. Laudati
Luxembourg - Office for official pubblications of the European Commission ; Chichester etc. - J. Wiley & Sons, 1997
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European computational fluid dynamics conference (1. ; 1992 ; Bruxelles)
Computational methods in applied sciences - invited lectures and special technological session of the First european computational fluid dynamics conference and the First european conference on numerical methods in engineering, 7-11 September 1992, Brussels, Belgium / edited by Ch. Hirsch, J. Periaux, E. Onate
Amsterdam etc. - Elsevier, 1992
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European Computer Aided Learning
Corso di Basic commerciale / E.C.A.L.
Torino - Societa Editrice Internazionale, 1988
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European computer algebra conference (1. ; 1982 ; Marsiglia)
Computer algebra - EUROCAM '82, European computer algebra conference - Marseille, France, 5-7 April 1982 / edited by Jacques Calmet
Berlin etc. - Springer, 1982
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European computer algebra conference (2. ; 1983 ; Londra)
Computer algebra - EUROCAL'83, European computer algebra conference - London, England, March 28-30, 1983 - proceedings / edited by J. A. van Hulen
Berlin etc. - Springer, 1983
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