Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinamento per Autore)
Argomento: Europa

Pagina nr. 3223 di 8793       

European Conference and Exhibition on Geographycal Information Systems (5. ; 1994 ; Paris)
Utrecht - EGIS Foundation, c1994
Incluso in > EGIS/MARI'94 - 5. european conference and exhibition on geographycal information systems - Paris - France, March 29 - April 1, 1994 - conference proceedings / eds._Jan Jaap Harts (et al.)
Testo Monografico

European Conference and Exhibition on Geographycal Information Systems (5. ; 1994 ; Paris)
EGIS/MARI'94 - 5. european conference and exhibition on geographycal information systems - Paris - France, March 29 - April 1, 1994 - conference proceedings / eds._Jan Jaap Harts (ed altri)
Testo Monografico

European Conference and Exibition on Geagraphycal Information Systems (4. ; 1993 ; Genoa, Italy)
Utrecht - EGIS Foundation, c1993
Incluso in > EGIS '93 - 4. european conference and exibition on geographical inform ation systems - conference proceedings - Genoa - Italy, March 29- April 1, 1993 / editors Janjaap Harts... (et al.)
Testo Monografico

European Conference and Exibition on Geagraphycal Information Systems (4. ; 1993 ; Genoa, Italy)
Utrecht - EGIS Foundation, c1993
Incluso in > EGIS '93 - 4. european conference and exibition on geographical inform ation systems - conference proceedings - Genoa - Italy, March 29- April 1, 1993 / editors Janjaap Harts... (et al.)
Testo Monografico

European Conference and Exibition on Geagraphycal Information Systems (4. ; 1993 ; Genoa, Italy)
EGIS '93 - 4. european conference and exibition on geographical inform ation systems - conference proceedings - Genoa - Italy, March 29- April 1, 1993 / editors Janjaap Harts... (ed altri)
Utrecht - EGIS Foundation, c1993
Testo Monografico

European conference and Technology Exibition (10. ; 1998 ; Wurzburg)
Biomass for energy and industry - 10. European conference and technology exhibition - proceedings of the International Conference - Wurzburg, Germany 8-11 June 1998 / edited by H. Kopetz...(ed altri)
Rimpar - C.A.R.M.E.N., c1998
Testo Monografico

European conference Biomass for energy and industry (5. ; 1989 ; Lisbona)
European conference Biomass for energy and industry - 9-13 october 1989, Lisbon (Portugal) - abstracts
Luogo di pubblicazione non indicato - s.n. , stampa 1989 (Massa - Type service)
Testo Monografico

European conference biomaterials (24. ; 2011 ; Dublin)
European conference biomaterials - Dublin (Ireland), September, 4-8, 2011
Pianoro - Medimond international proceedings, 2011
Monografia elettronica

European conference concerning the protection of human rights (2. ; 1990 ; Trieste)
Human rights and fundamental freedoms in the transeuropean dimension - reports of the Second European conference concerning the protection of human rights / edited by Anton Marino Revedin
Padova - CEDAM, 1991
Testo Monografico

European conference concerning the protection of human rights (2. ; 1990 ; Trieste)
Human rights and fundamental freedoms in the transeuropean dimension - reports of the second European conference concerning the protection of human rights / edited by Anton Marino Revedin
Padova - CEDAM, 1991
Testo Monografico

European conference COSIT '93 (1993 ; Marciana Marina)
Spatial information theory - a theoretical basis for GIS - European conference, COSIT '93 - Marciana Marina, Elba Island, Italy, September 19-22, 1993 - proceedings / Andrew U. Frank, Irene Campari (eds.)
Berlin (etc.) - Springer, c1993
Testo Monografico

European conference COSIT '93 (1993 ; Marciana Marina)
Spatial information theory - European conference COSIT '93, Marciana Marina, Elba Island, Italy - September 19-22, 1993 - proceedings / Andrew U. Frank, Irene Campari (eds.)
Berlin etc. - Springer, c1993
Testo Monografico

European Conference ECDL (12. ; 2008 ; Aarhus, Denmark)
Research and advanced technology for digital libraries- - 12. European Conference, ECDL 2008 - Aarhus, Denmark, September 14-19, 2008 - proceedings / Birte Christensen-Dalsgaard ... (ed altri)
Berlin - Springer-Verlag, c2008
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European conference EvoBIO (5. ; 2007 ; Valencia, Spain)
Evolutionary computation, machine learning and data mining in bioinformatics - 5th European conference, EvoBIO 2007, Valencia, Spain, April 11-13, 2007 - proceedings / Elena Marchiori, Jason H. Moore, Jagath C. Rajapakse (Eds.)
Berlin - Springer, ©2007
Testo Monografico

European conference for research on learning and instruction (10. ; 2003 ; Padova)
10th European Conference for research on learning and instruction - biennal meeting, Padova, Italy, August 26-30, 2003 - programme / (European association for research on learning and instruction)
Padova - CLEUP, 2003
Testo Monografico