Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinamento per Autore)
Argomento: Europa

Pagina nr. 3384 di 8793       

European symposium photomorphogenesis in plants (1. ; 1993 ; Tirrenia)
Proceedings of the European Symposium Photomorphogenesis in Plants - Tirrenia, Pisa, Italy, 11-15 July, 1993 / editors- Lars Olof Bjorn, Janet F. Bornman, Bartolomeo Lercari, and Rita Baraldi
Copenhagen - Societas Physiologiae Plantarum Scandinavica, 1994
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European Symposium-Food Product and process selection in the food industry (7. ; 1977 ; Eindhoven)
Product and process selection in the food industry - social, economic and technical considerations. /th European Symposium Food. Eindhoven, 21-23 September 1977. Preprint / European Federation of Chemical Engineering ; Netherland Society for Nutrition and Food Technology
Eindhoven - Food working Party, 1977
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European system of central banks - Monetary policy committee
Competitiveness and the export performance of the Euro area / by a task force of the Monetary policy committee of the European system of central banks
Frankfurt a.M. - European central bank, 2005
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European system of central banks - Monetary policy committee
Sectoral specialisation in the EU - a macroeconomic perspective / by MPC task force of the ESCB
Frankfurt a.M. - European central bank, 2004
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European system of central banks - Monetary policy committee
Structural features of distributive trades and their impact on prices in the euro area / Task Force of the Monetary Policy Committee of the European System of Central Banks
Frankfurt a. M. - European central bank, 2011
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European teachers seminar (90. ; 2000 ; Donaueschingen)
Teaching about the holocaust and the history of genocide in the 21. century - 90. European teachers seminar, Donaueschingen, Germany, 6-10 november 2000 report
Strasbourg - Council of Europe, c2003
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European technical conference on food-borne infections and intoxications (1959 ; Ginevra)
Report / European technical conference on food-borne infections and intoxications - Geneva, 16-21 february 1959
Geneva - World health organization, 1959
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European technical conference on the control of infectious diseases through vaccination programmes (1959 ; Rabat)
Report / European technical conference on the control of infectious diseases through vaccination programmes - Rabat, Morocco, 23-31 october 1959
Geneva - World health organization, 1960
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European technical meeting on the Quality control of pharmaceutical preparations ( 1961 ; Varsavia)
The quality control of pharmaceutical preparations - report / on a European technical meeting - Warsaw, 29 may - 2 june 1961
Geneva - World health organization, 1962
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European Technology Assessment Network on Women and Science
Science policies in the European Union- Promoting excellence through mainstreaming gender equality- A Report from the ETAN Expert Working Group on Women and Science
Luxembourg - Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 2000
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European teleinformatics conference (1983 ; Varese)
Euteco - proceedings of the European teleinformatics conference - held in Varese, Italy, 3-6 October, 1983 / edited by T. Kalin
Amsterdam etc. - North Holland, 1983
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European telemetry conference (28. ; 2008 ; Munich)
European telemetry conference - etc2008 - Munich, April 14-17, 2008 / organized by the European society of telemetering
(Luogo di pubblicazione non indicato - s.n.), 2008
Monografia elettronica

European telemetry conference (30. ; 2010 ; Messe Hamburg)
European telemetry conference - etc2010 - Messe Hamburg, Germany, May 17-20, 2010 / organized by the European society of telemetry
(Luogo di pubblicazione non indicato ) - European society of telemetry, 2010
Monografia elettronica

European Textile Forum (1. ; 2009 ; Eindhoven)
Ancient textiles, modern science - re-creating techniques through experiment - proceedings of the First and Second European Textile Forum 2009 and 2010 / edited by Heather Hopkins
Oxford ; Oakville - Oxbow Books, 2013
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European theatre convention
Europe on stage - 1988-2000- 12 years of European theatre convention / (editor Patricia Cannelis
(Bruxelles - CTE , stampa 2000
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