Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinamento per Autore)
Argomento: Europa

Pagina nr. 3902 di 8793       

General Assembly of the European Seismological Commission (19. ; 1984 ; Mosca)
Recent seismological investigations in Europe - proceedings of the 19. General Assembly of the European Seismological Commission, Moscow, October 1-6, 1984
Moscow - Nauka, 1988
Testo Monografico

General conference of the european physical society (3. ; 1975 ; Bucharest
Energy and physics - proceedings of the third general conference of the European physical society, 9-12 september 1975, Bucharest, Romania / European physical society
Petit-Lancy - European physical society, 1976
Testo Monografico

General meeting European Grassland Federation (5. ; 1973 ; Uppsala)
Quality of herbage - proceedings of the 5th general meeting, 1973 ; main papers / European Grassland Federation
Uppsala - Almqvist en Wiksell, 1974
Incluso in > Vaxtodling
Testo Monografico

General meeting European Grassland Federation (5. ; 1973 ; Uppsala)
Quality of herbage - proceedings of the 5th general meeting, 1973 ; Short reports / European Grassland Federation
Uppsala - Almqvist en Wiksell, 1974
Incluso in > Vaxtodling
Testo Monografico

General meeting of the Comparative Education Society in Europe (5. ; 1971 ; Stockholm).
Teacher education - containing the papers read before the society at the 5. general meeting, Stockholm, 1971 / edited by Raymond Ryba ; assisted by Brian Holmes
Lund - Comparative Education Society in Europe, with the aid of the National Board of Education, Sweden and the School of Education of Stockholm, 1972
Testo Monografico

General Meeting of the European Grassland Federation (15. ; 1994)
Grassland and society - proceedings of the 15th general meeting of the European Grassland Federation, June 6-9, 1994 / L. 't Mannetje, J. Frame, editors in chief
Wageningen - Wageningen Pers, 1994
Testo Monografico

General meeting of the European Grassland Federation (7. ; 1978 ; Gent)
Session 8- Botanical problems ; Session 9- Mineral disorders - pasture hygienica ; Session 10- Problems related to high fertilization
Merelbeke - Society for Grassland and Fodder Crops, stampa 1978
Incluso in > Proceedings of the 7. General meeting of the European Grassland Federation - Gent -Belgium 5-9 June, 1978 - *Constraints to grass growth and grassland output
Testo Monografico

General meeting of the European Grassland Federation (7. ; 1978 ; Gent)
Contenents of the Proceedings - Openin ceremony ...
Merelbeke - Society for Grassland and Fodder Crops, stampa 1978
Incluso in > Proceedings of the 7. General meeting of the European Grassland Federation - Gent -Belgium 5-9 June, 1978 - *Constraints to grass growth and grassland output
Testo Monografico

General meeting of the European Grassland Federation (7. ; 1978 ; Gent)
Session 1- General constraints ; Session 2- Physiological and ecological constraints ; Session 3- Regional constraints
Merelbeke - Society for Grassland and Fodder Crops, stampa 1978
Incluso in > Proceedings of the 7. General meeting of the European Grassland Federation - Gent -Belgium 5-9 June, 1978 - *Constraints to grass growth and grassland output
Testo Monografico

General meeting of the European Grassland Federation (7. ; 1978 ; Gent)
Session 4- Grazing animal as limiting factor ; Session 5- Grazing systems ; Session 6- Harvesting and conservation. forage crops ; Session 7- Farm conditions as limiting factor
Merelbeke - Society for Grassland and Fodder Crops, stampa 1978
Incluso in > Proceedings of the 7. General meeting of the European Grassland Federation - Gent -Belgium 5-9 June, 1978 - *Constraints to grass growth and grassland output
Testo Monografico

General meeting of the European Grassland Federation (7. ; 1978 ; Gent)
Proceedings of the 7. General meeting of the European Grassland Federation - Gent -Belgium 5-9 June, 1978 - *Constraints to grass growth and grassland output
Merelbeke - Society for Grassland and Fodder Crops, stampa 1978
Testo Monografico

General meeting of the European grassland federation (9. ; 1982 ; Reading)
Efficient grassland farming - proceedings of the 9. General Meeting of the European Grassland Federation - Reading, 5-9 September 1982 / edited by A. J. Corrall
Hurley - The British Grassland Society, 1983
Testo Monografico

General meeting on advances in animal cell technology (1985 ; Vienna)
Proceedings of the 7th general meeting on advances in animal cell technology - cell engineering, evaluation and exploitation ... - Vienna, Austria, September 30th-October 4th, 1985 ... / acting editors R. Spier, W. Hennessen
Basel etc. - S. Karger, 1987
Incluso in > Developments in biological standardization / edited by International association for biologicals
Testo Monografico

Genesi, Mario Giuseppe
Xilografie musicali europee per tarsie padane - comparazioni con il coro ligneo rinascimentale di San Sisto in Piacenza / di Mario Genesi
°Piacenza - s.n. , 1989
Testo Monografico

Genesis (gruppo musicale)
Live over Europe 2007 / Genesis
(USA) - Virgin, (2007)
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