(ordinamento per Autore) Argomento: Europa |
Pagina nr. 4185 di 8793 |
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Vagabondaggi all'est - 1987-1988 / Monique Grossin ; traduzione e disegni di Orfeo Tamburi Milano - Prospettive d'arte, 1989 Testo Monografico Grossinger, Christa Humour and folly - in secular and profane prints of Northern Europe, 1430-1540 / Christa Grossinger London - Turnhout - Harvey Miller publishers, 2002 Testo Monografico Grossinger, Christa North-European panel paintings - a catalogue of Netherlandish and German paintings before 1600 in English churches and colleges / Christa Grössinger London - Harvey Miller, ©1992 Testo Monografico Grosskopf, Sigrid L' alliance ouvrière et paysanne en U.R.S.S. - (1921-1928) - le probleme du blé / Sigrid Grosskopf Paris - F. Maspero, 1976 Testo Monografico Grosskopf, Werner EG-Zuckermarktpolitik - die zuckermarkplitik der europaischen gemeinschaften nutzen-kosten-kalkulationen alternativer marktordnungen under beachtung erwarteter entwicklungen des weltmarktes / Werner Grosskopf Munster-Hiltrup - Landwirtschaftsverlag, 1979 Testo Monografico Grosslinger, Erik Corinair 1990 summary report 1 / by Eirch Grösslinger, Klaus Radunsky and Mnfred Ritter ; European topic centre on air emissions Luxembourg - Office for official publications of the European communities, 1996 Testo Monografico Grosslinger, Erik Corinair 1990 summary report 2 / by Erik Grösslinger, Klaus Radunsky and Manfred Ritter Luxembourg - Office for official publications of the European communities, 1996 Testo Monografico Grossman, Avraham Pious and rebellious - Jewish women in medieval Europe / Avraham Grossman ; translated from the Hebrew by Jonathan Chipman Waltham - Brandeis University press ; Hanover ; London - published by University press of New England, Massachusetts, c2004 Testo Monografico Grossman, Gregory The Soviet economy and the waning of the cold war / by Gregory Grossman. -Berkeley - Center for slavic and east european studies, Institute of international studies University of California, (1966?) Testo Monografico Grossman, Gregory Soviet statistics of physical output of industrial commodities - their compilation and quality / Gregory Grossman ; a study by the National bureau of economic research Princeton - Princeton University press, 1960 Testo Monografico Grossman, Leonid Petrovic Puškin v teatral'nyh kreslah - kartiny russkoj sceny, 1817-1820 godov / Leonid Grossman (Leningrad) - Brokgauz-Efron, 1926 Testo Monografico Grossman, Vasilij Semenovic L' inferno di Treblinka / Vasilij Grossman ; traduzione di Claudia Zonghetti Milano - Adelphi, 2010 Testo Monografico Grossman, Vasilij Semenovic Il libro nero - il genocidio nazista nei territori sovietici, 1941-1945 / Vasilij Grossmann e Il'ja Erenburg ; traduzione di Luca Vanni ; edizione a cura di Arno Lustiger ; in appendice, saggi di Il'ja Altman ... ed altri Milano - A. Mondadori, 2001 Testo Monografico Grossman, Vasilij Semenovic Ukraine ohne Juden / Wassili Grossman ; aus dem Russischen u¨bertragen und eingeleitet von Ju¨rgen Zarusky Incluso in > Besatzung, Kollaboration, Holocaust - neue Studien zur Verfolgung und Ermordung der europaischen Juden / herausgegeben von Johannes Hurter und Jurgen Zarusky ; mit einer Reportage von Wassili Grossman Testo a stampa Grossmann, Georg Ulrich Castelli medievali d'Europa / G. Ulrich Grossmann Milano - Jaca book, 2005 Incluso in > Enciclopedia tematica aperta Testo Monografico |