Consiglio d'Europa Evolution démographique récente en Europe - 1996 / Conseil de l'Europe Strasbourg - Conseil de l'Europe, 1996 Testo Monografico Consiglio d'Europa L' execution des decisions administratives et juridictionnelles dans le domaine du droit administratif - Recommandation Rec(2003)16 adoptee par le Comite des ministres du Conseil de l'Europe le 9 septembre 2003 et expose des motifs / Conseil de l'Europe Strasbourg - Editions du Conseil de l'Europe, c2004 Testo Monografico Consiglio d'Europa L' execution des decisions de justice - Recommandation Rec(2003)17 adopte par le Comite des ministres du Conseil de l'Europe le 9 septembre 2003 et expose des motifs Strasbourg - Editions du Conseil de l'Europe, c2004 Testo Monografico Consiglio d'Europa Exercice des pouvoirs discretionnaires de l'administration - recommandation n. R (80) 2 adoptee par le Comite des ministres du Conseil de l'Europe le 11 mars 1980 et expose des motifs / Council of Europe Strasbourg - s.n. , 1980 Testo Monografico Consiglio d'Europa Explanatory report concerning the Convention on the conservation of European wildlife and natural habitats - convention opened for signature on 19 September 1979 / Council of Europe Strasbourg - °Conseil of Europe , 1979 Testo Monografico Consiglio d'Europa Explanatory report on protocol no. 6 to the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms concerning the abolition of the death penalty Strasbourg - Council of Europe, 1983 Testo Monografico Consiglio d'Europa Explanatory report on protocol no. 7 to the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms Strasbourg - Council of Europe, 1985 Testo Monografico Consiglio d'Europa Explanatory report on protocol no. 8 to the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms Strasbourg - Council of Europe, 1985 Testo Monografico Consiglio d'Europa Explanatory report on the Convention for the protection of individuals with regard to automatic processing of personal data - convention opened for signature on 28 January 1981 / Council of Europe Strasbourg - °Council of Europe , 1981 Testo Monografico Consiglio d'Europa Explanatory report on the Convention on mutual administrative assistance in tax matters / Council of Europe, OCDE Strasbourg - Council of Europe, 1989 Testo Monografico Consiglio d'Europa Explanatory report on the convention on the calculation of time-limits Strasbourg - Council of Europe, 1973 Testo Monografico Consiglio d'Europa Explanatory report on the European agreement on transfer of responsability for refugees / Council of Europe Strasbourg - °Council of Europe , 1980 Testo Monografico Consiglio d'Europa Explanatory report on the european convention on civil liability for damage caused by motor vehicles / °Council of Europe Strasbourg - Council of Europe, 1973 Testo Monografico Consiglio d'Europa Explanatory report on the European Convention on recognition and enforcement of decisions concerning custody of children and on restoration of custody of children - convention opened for signature on 20 May 1980 / Council of Europe Strasbourg - °Council of Europe , 1980 Testo Monografico Consiglio d'Europa Explanatory report on the european convention on the transfer of proceedings in criminal matters / Council of Europe Strasbourg - Council of Europe, 1972 Testo Monografico |