Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinato per Autore) su:
Europa (A-LAP) (keyword)

Pagina nr. 1449
1-100- 200-300- 400-500- 600-700- 800-900- 1000-1100- 1200-1300- 1400-1500- 1600-1679


Headlam, James Wycliffe
The dead lands of Europe / J. W. Headlam
London etc. - Hodder and Stoughton, 1917
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Headley, John M.
Church, Empire and world - the quest for universal order, 1520-1640 / John M. Headley
Aldershot (etc. - Ashgate Variorum, c1997
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Heald, David
Cost allocation and cross subsidies / David Heald ; European commission
Luxembourg - Office for official publications of the European communities, 1994
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Healey, Denis
A neutral belt in Europe? / Denis Healey
London - Fabian society, 1958
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Hearder, Harry
Cavour - un europeo piemontese / Harry Hearder
Roma (etc.) - GLF Editori Laterza, 2003
Incluso in > Protagonisti della storia d'Europa
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Hearder, Harry
L' Europe au 19. siécle - 1830-1880 / H. Hearder ; traduit de l'anglais par Antoinette Dilasser, Anne Servadoni-Duparc et Sylvie Duval
Paris - Sirey, 1973
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Hearnden, Arthur
Education, culture, and politics in West Germany / by Arthur Hearnden
Oxford (etc.) - Pergamon Press, 1976
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Heater, Derek
The idea of European unity / Derek Heater
Leicester ; London - Leicester university, 1992
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Heather, P. J.
The Goths / Peter Heather
Oxford, UK ; Cambridge, USA - Blackwell, 1996
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Heather, P. J.
Goths and Romans - 332-489 / P. J. Heather
Oxford - Clarendon press, 1991
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Heather, P. J.
Goths and Romans - 332-489 / P. J. Heather
Oxford - Clarendon press, 1992
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Heather, P. J.
I goti - dal Baltico al Mediterraneo la storia dei barbari che sconfissero Roma / Peter Heather ; (prefazione di Ezio Rovida)
Genova - ECIG, 2005
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Heather, P. J.
L' impero e i barbari - le grandi migrazioni e la nascita dell'Europa / Peter Heather
Milano - Garzanti, 2010
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Heaton, Herbert
Histoire économique de l'Europe / Herbert Heaton ; traduit de l'anglais par Roger Grandbois ; préface de Ernest Labrousse
Paris - A. Colin, 1950-1952
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Hechler, Ken
Il ponte di Remagen / di Ken Hechler
Milano - A. Mondadori, 1966
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