Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(senza Autore) su:
Europa (keyword)

Pagina nr. 632
1-100- 200-300- 400-500- 600-700- 800-900- 1000-1100- 1200-1300- 1400-1500- 1600-1700- 1800-1900-1974


Energy efficiency in european industry / Economic commission for Europe
New York ; Geneva - United nations, 1989
Testo Monografico

Energy efficiency indicators - data 1990-1999 / Eurostat, European Commission
Luxembourg - Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 2002
Testo Monografico

Energy efficiency policies and measures in Europe / Economic commission for Europe
Geneva - United Nations, c2004
Monografia - Risorsa elettronica (IT ICCU TO0 1357403)
Energy efficient design - a guide to energy efficiency and solar applications in building design / Economic commission for Europe
New York ; Geneva - United nations, 1991
Testo Monografico

Energy for Europe - research and development - communication of the Commission transmitted to the Council on 5 April 1974 / European communities commjission
Luxemboug - Office for official publications of the European communities, (1974
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Energy in Europe - a view to the future - special issue - September 1992 / Commission of the European Communities Directorate-General for energy (DG 17)
Luxembourg - Office for official publications of the European Communities, 1992
Incluso in > Energy in Europe - energy policies and trends in the European Community / Commission of the European Communities, Directorate-general for energy
Testo Monografico

Energy options in a changing world - a european perspective
Cambridge (Mass.) - Sakkoulas ; Kluwer, dopo il 1994
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Energy reforms in central and eastern Europe - the first year / Economic commission for Europe
New york ; Geneva - United nations, 1991
Testo Monografico

Energy security in the Caspian Sea region / Economic Commission for Europe
New York ; Geneva - United Nations, ©2006
Testo Monografico

Energy security risks and financial markets / Economic commission for Europe
Geneva - United Nations, c2004
Monografia - Risorsa elettronica (IT ICCU TO0 1357383)
Enfance abandonnee et societe en Europe - 14.-20. siecle - actes du colloque international organise par la Societa italiana di demografia storica, la Societe de demographie historique, l'Ecole des hautes etudes en sciences sociales, l'Ecole francaise de Rome. le Dipartimento di scienze demografiche (Universita di Roma - la Sapienza), le Dipartimento statistico (Universita di Firenze), Rome, 30 et 31 janvier 1987
Roma - Ecole francaise de Rome, 1991
Testo Monografico

Enfance abandonnee et societe en Europe - 14.-20. siecle - actes du colloque international organise par la Societa italiana di demografia storica... ed altri - Rome, 30 et 31 janvier 1987
Rome - Ecole francaise de Rome, 1991
Testo Monografico

Enfance abandonnée et société en Europe- 14.-20. siècle - Rome, 30 et 31 janvier 1987 / actes du Colloque international organisé par la Società italiana di demografia storica ... ed altri
Roma - École française de Rome, 1991
Testo Monografico

Les enfants dans la grande guerre- exposition du 20 juin au 26 octobre 2003
(Milano) - 5 Continents ; Historial de la Grande Guerre, stampa 2003 (Quart - Musumeci Industrie Grafiche)
Testo Monografico

Les enfants de la rue - programme de recherches coordonnées dans le domaine social (1992-1993) - groupe d'étude sur les enfants de la rue / Comité directeur sur la politique sociale
Strasbourg - Conseil d'Europe, ©1994
Testo Monografico

Les enfants du paradis- preziosità iconografiche del Bambinello in Italia e nell'Europa centrale dal 18. al 20. secolo
°Rovereto - Nicolodi, 2002
Testo Monografico

The enforceability of promises in European contract law / edited by James Gordley
Cambridge - Cambridge University press, 2001
Testo Monografico

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