Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(senza Autore) su:
Europa (keyword)

Pagina nr. 1226
1-100- 200-300- 400-500- 600-700- 800-900- 1000-1100- 1200-1300- 1400-1500- 1600-1700- 1800-1900-1974


The making of physicists / edited by Rajkumari Williamson
Bristol - Adam Hilger, c1987
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The making of the chemist - the social history of chemistry in Europe, 1789-1914 / edited by David Knight & Helge Kragh
Cambridge - Cambridge university press, 1998
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The making of the modern body - sexuality and society in the nineteenth century / edited by Catherine Gallagher and Thomas Laqueur
Berkeley etc. - University of California press, c 1987
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Making policy in Europe - the europeification of national policy-making / edited by Svein S. Andersen and Kjell A. Elissen
London etc. - Sage, 1993
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Making school improvement work - a conceptual guide to practice / W. G. van Ve zen ... ed altri
Leuven - Acco, 1985
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Making sustainable consumption and production a reality - a guide for business and policy makers to life cycle thinking and assessment / European Commission
Luxembourg - Publications office of the European Union, 2010
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Making the new Europe - european unity and the second world war / edited by M.L. Smith and Peter M.R. Stirk
London - Pinter, 1990
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Making the protection of rights more accessible to citizens- the ombudsman at local and regional level - proceedings - Messina (Italy), 13-15 november 1997 - European conference organised by the Congress of local and regional authorities of Europe (CLRAE)
Strasbourg - Council of Europe, c1998
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Making your cities attractive and sustainable - how the EU contributes to improving the urban environment / European Commission
Luxembourg - Publications office of the European Union, 2010
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Malaparte scrittore d'Europa - atti del Convegno (Prato 1987) e altri contributi / coordinazione di Gianni Grana ; redazione e cura bibliografica di Vittoria Baroncelli
(Settimo Milanese) - Marzorati ; Prato - Comune di Prato, c1991, stampa 1992
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Malaparte scrittore d'Europa - atti del Convegno, (Prato 1987) e altri contributi / coordinazione di Gianni Grana ; redazione e cura bibliografica di Vittoria Baroncelli
Settimo Milanese - Marzorati ; Prato - Comune, ©1991, stampa 1992
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Malata e denigrata - l'università italiana a confronto con l'Europa / a cura di Marino Regini ; contributi di Gabriele Ballarino ... (ed altri)
Roma - Donzelli, 2009
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Malerei und Skulptur des späten Mittelalters und der frühen Neuzeit in Norddeutschland- Künstlerischer Austausch im Kulturraum zwischen Nordsee und Baltikum / Hrsg. Von Hartmut Krohm, Uwe Albrecht Und Matthias Weniger
Braunschweig - Herzog Anton Ulrich-Museum Braunschweig, ©2004
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Die Malerfamilie Holbein in Basel - Ausstellung im Kunstmuseum Basel zur Funfhundertjahrfeier der Universitat Basel - (4. Juni - 25. September 1960. Katalog)
Basel - Kunstmuseum, 1960
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Malerisches altes Europa - Romantische Ansichten von Stãdten und Schlõssern der guten alten Zeit / Hrsg. von Rolf Muller mit einer Einfuhrung von Egon Schramm
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