Europe - a new immigration continent - policies and politics in comparative perspective / Dietrich Thranhardt (ed.)
Munster - LIT, (1996)
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Europe - postal-administrative map
Paderno Dugnano - ECM, (2001?)
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Europe 1945-1990s - the end of an era? / edited by Antonio Varsori
New York - St. Martin's press in association with the Mountbatten centre for international studies, University of Southampton, 1995
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Europe 1945-1990s - the end of an era? / edited by Antonio Varsori
Basingstoke ; London - Macmillan ; New York - St. Martin's Press, 1995
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Europe 1946 - entre le deuil et l'espoir / sous la direction de Francine-Dominique Liechtenhan ; textes de Brad Abrams ... (ed altri)
Bruxelles - Complexe, 1996
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Europe 1990-2000- multiculture dans la cite, l'integration des immigres - Francfort sur le Main, Allemagne, 29-31 mai 1991 - documents de travail e Declaration de Francfort pour une nouvelle politique communale d'integration multiculturelle en Europe - conference permanente des pouvoirs locaux et regionaux de l'Europe
Strasburgo - Conseil del'Europe, 1992
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Europe 1992 - the implications of market integration for R&D intensive firms / Academy industry program of the National research council ; in cooperation with the Office of international affairs
Washington D. C. - National academy press, 1991
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Europe after an American withdrawal - economic and military issues / edited by Jane M.O. Sharp
New York - Oxford University Press ; Stockholm - SIPRI, 1990
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Europe and Africa - the new phase / edited by I. William Zartman
Boulder ; London, 1993
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Europe and architecture tomorrow - white paper - propositions for Europes built environment
Melfi - Libria, stampa 1997
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Europe and ethnicity - the First World War and contemporary ethnic conflict / edited by Seamus Dunn and T. G. Fraser ; with a foreword by Otto von Habsburg
London - Routledge, 1996
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Europe and Israel - Troubled Neighbours / Edited and Introduction by Ilan Greilsammer and Joseph H. H. Weiler ; Contributions by Francois Duchene, Shlomo Avineri ... 0ed altri
Berlin - De Gruyter, 1988
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Europe and Japan facing high technologies - from conflict to cooperation? / Jacques Lesourne ... (ed altri
Paris - Economica, c1989
Saggio Monografico
Europe and Japan facing high technologies - from conflict to cooperation? / J. Lesourne ... (ed altri
(S. l. - s. n., 199.
Saggio Monografico