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Woodbridge - Boydell press, 1995
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Medieval frontier societies / edited by Robert Bartlett and Angus MacKay
Oxford - Clarendon press, 1992
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Medieval frontiers- concepts and practices / edited by David Abulafia and Nora Berend
Aldershot - Ashgate, c2002
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The Medieval household in Christian Europe, c.850-c.1550 - managing power, wealth, and the body / edited by Cordelia Beattie, Anna Maslakovic, & Sarah Rees Jones
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The Medieval Levant - studies in memory of Eliyahu Ashtor, (1914-1984) / edited by B. Z. Kedar and A. L. Udovitch
Haifa - University of Haifa, The Gustav Heinemann institute of Middle Eastern studies, 1988
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Medieval moated sites in North-West Europe / ed. by F.A. Aberg and A.E. Brown
Oxford - B.A.R., 1981
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Medieval political theory - a reader - the quest for the body politic, 1100-1400 / edited by Cary J. Nederman and Kate Langdon Forhan
London ; New York, 1993
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Medieval ships and the birth of technological societies / edited by Christiane Villain-Gandossi, Salvino Busuttil, Paul Adam
Malta - European Coordination Centre for Research and Documentation in Social Sciences - Foundation for international studies
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Medieval warfare - a history / edited by Maurice Keen
Oxford (etc.) - Oxford university press, 1999
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1- Il Medioevo / (scritti di) Jacques Bernard ... (ed altri)
Torino - UTET, (1979)
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Il Medioevo - secoli bui?
Milano - Educationalvideo - Cinehollywood, c1989
3- Il medioevo - secoli 5.-15. / a cura di Gherardo Ortalli
Torino - G. Einaudi, 1994
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3- Il Medioevo - secoli 5.-15. / a cura di Gherardo Ortalli
Torino - G. Einaudi, 1994
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Medioevo al femminile / F. Bertini ... (ed altri) ; a cura di Ferruccio Bertini
Milano - CDE, stampa 1991
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